Are You Normal?

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup
Would you feel comfortable dressed like this in public? I do.  But I'd need some shoes. Where do I belong? Anywhere. Where do you belong?
It seems for a brief period, 1930s Berlin was the place to be for anyone who felt they had more to share with the world than paper-pushing or ditch-digging.
Not that there were many jobs going around at the time.
Poverty, starvation and sickness were rife.
Once dusk fell, anyone who had anything considered subversive or creative to express could do so any way they wished.
There were clubs and venues to fit one's appetite for entertainment and sartorial expression.

Meanwhile in Depression-hit USA, the traveling circus and carnival troupes entertained both the rich and poverty-stricken with their "freak" shows.

I've included a link to the 1931 film Freaks, which audiences reacted to with revulsion and was banned shortly after its release.
It's definitely worth watching if you're interested in the intriguing question of where people who don't "fit" really belong.
The disabled, the psychologically ill, those who feel they must repress their sexuality or their creativity.
Should we hide who we truly are?
Are we actually still censoring ourselves and each other?
Maybe it's not safe to be who we really are in public ... perhaps there would be anarchy and chaos.
I'll risk it.
Floral headband - Sassy Vamps! Swimsuit - Black Milk 1930s dancer's shorts and silk bed jacket - Etsy Johnny Cash earrings - custom made by Mallory at Create Beautiful Beads Pink and orange star necklace - made by the glorious Krista Super sparkly bracelet - gifted by Two Squirrels Vintage 1950s petticoat and bangles - thrifted Neon skull necklace, pink cameo ring - craft markets Lace socks - ballet shop

Have an awesome, strange weekend all you freaks out there! Baci, Desiree xo