Are You In A Pinning Frenzy?

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Today's Guest Post is by The New Modern Mom. I have been wanting to learn about Pinterest as it recently cracked the top 10 list for social networks. I knew she had been using it so here she is to teach us:
You may have heard me mention Pinterest before. Have you been invited? Have you been able to check it out? I'm sure you have heard the buzz about it all over Twitter. People are in a "pinning" frenzy. 

Well, let me break it down. What is Pinterest? Pinterest is virtual pinboard. What does that mean? Basically it allows you to organize and share anything you find on the web. You can also follow other members and browse what they are adding to their pinboards. And they can follow you back. You can also "like" a pin or leave a comment on a pin whether you follow that user or not. The most popular pinboards I see are for wedding planning, recipes, or home inspiration.  How does one sign up? Currently Pinterest in invitation only. You can request an invite from the site OR you can be invited by someone who is already a member. (Like me). If you would like an invitation leave a comment and I'll send you an invite. Easy-Peasy! 
This is what my Pinterest looks like when I'm signed in. I have 29 boards (YIKES) and you can see each of them is labeled at the top. Products I love, My Style, For the Home, Baby, Recipes, etc. To the left sidebar you can see that I have 175 followers, and am following 423. You can edit your profile however you like just as you would any other social site. 

I love the "Pin It" button that you can add to your bookmarks toolbar. That way if you are on a site and you want to Pin something to one of your boards you don't have to leave the page. Just quickly click the Pin It button and your Pinterest pops up. 

If you have a blog you can add a "Follow me on Pinterest" button to your website. You can download Pinterest for your iPhone (This app is kinda glitchy and makes me crazy sometimes when its not working). You can also add a "Pin it" button to your product pages or blog post which will inevitably increase your traffic and readership.

I’m going to admit I am completely addicted. There are just so many cool things out there on the web and rather than having a bunch of bookmarks I can just hop on Pinterest and see everything nice and organized and all in one glance. It's just genius. 

So, go go go and Pin until your heart is content!