Your smile is one of the first things someone notices about you, so it is important to keep your teeth healthy. If you take the time to brush your teeth properly, floss often and see a dentist regularly, your teeth are much more likely to look beautiful and healthy. However, you might be unknowingly damaging your teeth with some of your habits. Here are seven habits that can ruin your teeth.
Using Your Teeth As a Tool
Have you ever used your teeth to rip a tag off a piece of clothing or open a bag of candy? If so, you are not alone. Many people have used their teeth as tools from time to time. However, using your teeth as a tool is a horrible habit. If you do this often, your teeth can eventually crack. Wait until you have scissors handy instead of using your teeth to open something or tear something off.
Brushing Your Teeth Too Much
Yes, there is such a thing as brushing your teeth too much. If you rigorously brush your teeth several times a day, you can harm the enamel of your teeth. Brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed is plenty good enough. If you want to brush your teeth more than that, make sure to use a toothbrush that has soft bristles.
Chewing Ice
If you frequently chew ice out of habit, you should stop. Chewing on ice can hurt your gums and chip your teeth. In fact, ice can damage your teeth enough to need a crown. If you are finding it difficult to break this habit, try chewing on sugarless gum instead.
Brushing Your Teeth Right After Eating Food With High Acidity
If you eat something that is acidic, such as an orange or pickle, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth too soon can damage them and make them more sensitive. Also, don’t brush your teeth right before you eating something acidic. If you do, you can wash away the saliva that shields your teeth from the acids.
Drinking A lot of Soda and Fruit Juices
Drinking a lot of soda and fruit juices is a bad idea if you want to keep your teeth healthy. These drinks contain too much sugar and acid, which can damage your teeth. That is why you should only consume these beverages occasionally.
Smoking isn’t just horrible for your lungs and heart; it can also severely damage your teeth. Cigarettes can stain your teeth and make them more vulnerable to bacteria. Some smokers even develop periodontal disease, which can cause their teeth to fall out.
Grinding Your Teeth
Grinding your teeth is one of the worst things you can do for your mental health. Whether you grind your teeth because of anxiety or poor sleeping habits, you should try to break the habit. If you can’t help grinding your teeth while you sleep, try wearing a mouth guard at night.
If you have any of these habits, you should really try to break them for the sake of your teeth.
Jake Riley is an avid blogger and contributor to, a leading cosmetic dentist in Bellevue Washignton.