But that's not the number TWO I am talking about. Follow me? I am talking about the "Do you need to go Number One or Number Two?" TWO. That Two. The one that when I am asking one of the four kids when we are on a road trip and they say "I have to go Number TWO." That Two. The dreaded Two. It's the number Two you hate. Actually, we won't be talking about the number TWO here...but we will be talking about some Bums. Maybe I should have titled this "Are you comfortable talking about your backside?" It's all part of being kind to your behind.
Seriously, I am SOOOO excited to tell you I have been chosen as one of the bloggers to be a campaign ambassador for Cottonelle. Yes, we will all be CRAZY FAMOUS after this campaign. It's called the "Be Kind To Your Behind" campaign and it is ALL about Bums.
Check out this great video below from Cherry Healey explaining just what we are talking about here: