Image by hey skinny via Flickr
The sun is shining – for Oregon that’s a reason to celebrate!
We are heading to the Oregon coast to ride our horses along the beach – just thinking about it makes my pulse quicken and my face smile.
In prep – there are things to do –
- Apparel – sun cover like a hat, long sleeves – maybe a wind breaker
- Face – sunscreen – that hat
- Equipment – saddle, bridle etc.
- Food – to maintain energy
- Water – probably the most vital of all – water is the elixir of life
- Mindset – setting an intention for fun and safety – after all a horse can maim or kill a human if they want to
I mention this and blog for you about it because I find this similar to when I get ready to meet a client or prospect – My pulse quickens and my face smiles – I adore my clients and enjoy meeting new prospects –
My clients are interesting, intelligent and wise enough to seek guidance to help them to their goals – Being around people who seek continual growth is heady living in my opinion.
How do you feel about your clients and prospects? Do you smile when thinking about them? Do you do the prep to make sure it’s a good experience?
My hope is you can answer yes.
If not – maybe this weekend you will think about the kind of client and work you want to make it amazing.
Because in this ride called life – you have the reins!
Yeehaw and blessings,
Note: If you would like to strategize about your direction for work – please contact me – like I mentioned – it’s a pleasure to serve those who seek!