Are You A Homesteader At Heart?

By Elizabeth Comiskey @lazyhippiemama

We are a society that dearly loves to label things.  I’ve been thinking, lately, about how to know if you can officially label yourself as a homesteader.  The modern definition of homesteading has become quite fluid but I think it’s safe to say you might be a homesteader (at least in spirit) if….

1. You’ve ever gone to the Tractor Supply Company in the spring to oh and ah over the little baby chicks and ducks.

2. You know that Tractor Supply Company is full of little baby chicks and ducks in the spring.

3. You’ve seen a stack of pallets on the side of the road and thought, “Do you know what I could build with that?!”

4. You’ve ever stuffed your nose into a stiff, scratchy, line-dried towel, taken a huge sniff and thought, “Ahhhh.  The smell of sunshine!”

5. You know whether or not the worm population in your yard is thriving.

6. You’ve picked food scraps out of the garbage can, while yelling over your shoulder, “how many times have I told you this goes in the compost?”

7. You use the same product as oil for cooking, deodorant and split-end repair for your hair.

8. You consider your grain mill more important than your microwave.

9. You know the difference between Traditional and Tattler lids.

Can you tell what kind of lids these are?

10. Your neighbors get really excited when they see you coming during tomato season.

11. You’re more likely to build a bat-house than spray for mosquitoes.

12. Your mail person gives you dirty looks during seed-catalog delivery season.

13. You’ve ever gotten really excited over a box of Mason jars at a rummage sale.

14. You’re not sure how much a loaf of bread costs because you’re used to making it yourself.

15. You’re surviving this winter by telling yourself things like, “well… it will make for a great sap run.”

Are you a homesteader in your heart? How do you know?

Wait! Don’t go yet! There is still time to enter for a chance to win a signed copy of the great children’s book, Longfellow And The Deep And Hidden Woods.  (Click here for the full review.)

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