Are These Three Things Making You Look Old?

By Beautyblogger @crowscupcell

{by} Sasha

Whether in your 20s or 50s, every gal I know is all about a youthful looking body and skin. Let’s be honest…we all want to hear “wow, you look amazing” on each and every birthday. And we undoubtedly want to be the skin envy of all (hey, it’s not solely vanity, it’s skin preservation mixed a wee bit of vanity…there’s a difference). These beauty fixes will have you looking so young your local coffee barista will stop calling you ma’am:

1) Eyes: There’s no arguing the importance of this one, girls. When it comes to youthful looking skin, the eyes have it (literally). Unfortunately, things like smiling a lot and sun damage create “crows’ feet” or fine lines around the eyes. Dark circles and under-eye bags also make peepers look older. The good news is you can fix most of these.

Fixes: A great eye cream is a smart start. If you’re not using an eye cream in the AM and PM, start…immediately. However, if you feel the lines around your eyes are beyond eye cream repair, you can opt for a medical grade wrinkle blaster such as Botox or Dysport (be sure you do your homework on this, ladies, starting with a certified injectables provider).

2) Lips: If the skin around your mouth remotely resembles a raisin, it’s time to rejuvenate your kisser. As we get older, we lose collagen in our lips, making them thinner and causing tiny vertical lines around our smoochers. So, how can one get rid of lip lines and a deflated pout?

Fixes: If your lips are in need of a little TLC, invest in a good lip balm and lip treatment such as Sally Hansen’s Full & Radiant Lip Definer. However, if your lips are showing major lines (aka those vertical micro lines that bleed your favorite lipstick color), then you might consider laser resurfacing for the skin around your mouth. And for plumping options, there’s a slew of lip augmentation choices from fillers to implants. (Less is more on this one, gals, as the goal is slightly plumper lips and not the notorious trout pout we’ve all seen bad celeb photos of).

3) Hands: A friend of mine once told me that hands can age a gal like nothing else. Now I find myself constantly looking at women’s hands…and I’m inclined to agree. No surprise on this one as our hands take a beating from hours and hours of dishwashing to harsh, drying weather. Oh, and if that’s not enough, some of us acquire age spots from long-term sun exposure.

Fixes: If your mitts are in need a good moisturizer and perhaps a bit of brightening, try a brightening cream such as Anew Clinical Luminosity Pro Brightening hand cream. If your grippers make your grandma’s hands look good, then you might want to consider a more hands-on (pun intended) cosmetic medical treatment such as laser resurfacing.

There you have it, girls. Once you tackle these three areas, you’ll most certainly get carded next time you meet your peeps for happy hour. Oh, and you can tell that growing-old-gracefully thing this is your show and you’re running it….

This Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite article, Are These Three Things Making You Look Old, was first published on Technorati.