Are These 5 Things Really Annoying You In Your Twitter Feed?

By Lisa @Lisapatb

5 Things That Are Annoying in the Twitter Feed

Do you jump onto Twitter somedays and really get annoyed with tweets in your stream? There are days I do and wonder – what are they thinking? Or are some folks just using automation 100% and not really there on the network to see what their tweets really look like?  Here are the 5 things I find annoying in my Twittter feed.

Twitter Feed Facebook Posts – Why do some people on Twitter only tweet out their Facebook posts? Isn’t that the most annoying thing to see in your Twitter Feed? (or is it just me?) You can’t see their Facebook post links unless you are logged into Facebook most of the time (unless their posts are set to public.) It’s a waste of time and a reason to unfollow someone or mute them out. If we wanted to be on Facebook we would be there and not on Twitter, right?

Horoscopes for Today – Do you really want to read horoscopes in your Twitter feed? These are another automated tweet or FB feed that gets into our Twitter stream. Another No-No annoyance!

Seeing Favorited Tweets – This is a new feature Twitter is testing out. This is where users are seeing tweets that have been favorited by accounts they follow in their own timelines. What do you think of this new Twitter feature?

Posts With Only @ - Have you seen these too? That’s all that’s in the posts. They are like mentions but with no words, rhyme or reason. What is the purpose of these types of tweets other than to mention someone? It would be okay if it was TY, YW or a short question with them. It’s a very lazy tweet.

Flooded Tweets – Every see a new peep tweet out the same thing multi times within a short period of time? It is usually self-promotion and can get annoying on your feed. A great time to use the new mute button.

Twitter Feed – Which is Your Favorite?

There are several ways you can view your Twitter feed today, which do you prefer?

  • Home
  • Photos/Video
  • Lists
  • Favorites.

When I get annoyed with my feed I prefer to use lists. There are folks on Twitter who really know how to tweet and the lists can be a breath of fresh air. I rely on my lists most of the time when going on Twitter. It really narrows down my focus for being there. You  can grab my FREE new eBook to learn more about using Twitter lists.

5 Tips to Maintain a Healthier Twitter Feed

What annoys you in your Twitter feed? How do you maintain a healthy Twitter feed?

Top image of annoyed woman is courtesy of jesadaphorn at