Are the Yazidis "White"?

Posted on the 18 August 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L. 

Writing in Arutz Sheva, Ari Soffer tells us:
In yet another harrowing chapter in the tragic plight of Iraq's Kurdish Yazidi population, eyewitnesses have described how girls raped by Muslim fighters from the "Islamic State" (formerly ISIS) committed suicide en-masse after returning to their families, as evidence of systematic rape by Islamists against non-Muslims continue to surface. 
Among the tens of thousands of Yazidi refugees trapped in the Shingal mountains while fleeing IS's deadly advance through Iraq, several survivors told Kurdish Rudaw TV how a group of three girls were returned after being abducted and raped - only to hurl themselves off a cliff after being traumatized by their ordeal.
Meanwhile throughout Europe and Canada and Australia and the United States ethically-bankrupt leftists are screaming about the fact that Jews build housing for ourselves in Judea and finally dared to fight back when the entire southern part Israel was being ruined by rocket fire.
As far as I am concerned the progressive-left, as a movement, has lost all ethical standing to complain about anything that Israel does.  So long as they continue ignore real atrocities around the world, such as the 5.5 million dead in Congo, the hundreds of thousands of dead and millions displaced in Sudan and Syria, then they should be confronted.  So long as they honestly do not care that the Islamic State (IS) is committing a genocide of heinous proportions characterized by rape and the outright assassination of children, with the barrel of a pistol directly to the head, then they should be castigated as the malicious hypocrites that they are.
"The Kurds and Yazidis are originally Aryans. But because the Yazidis are such a closed community they have retained a fairer complexion, blonder hair and bluer eyes. They don't marry non-Yazidis," Adnan Kochar, chairman of the Kurdish Cultural Centre in London, explained to the Daily Mail.
"ISIS have taken around 300 women from Sinjar to give to jihadists to marry and make pregnant to have a Muslim child. If they can't kill all Yazidis, they will try to smash the blond bloodline," he said.
The Yazidis have blond hair and blue eyes and refuse to marry outside the race?
The Yazidis are white people, so no wonder leftists do not care about them.  It all makes sense now.  The Islamic State is engaged in resistance against the colonialist, imperialist white oppressors of which the Yazidi act as a front.
Someone needs to tell the Yazidis that they need to check their privilege.
You cannot expect progressive-left anti-imperial anti-racists to step up for white people in a conflict with persecuted people of color, like those in the Islamic State.
The Yazidis haven't much of a chance. Since this is not a matter of Jewish self-defense there is nothing for leftists to care about.  The Obama administration - since it is the Obama administration - will do as little as possible, but enough to placate the left-liberal Democratic Party base, which, you can be sure, will not take much.