Are Mini-nuclear Reactors the Answer to the Climate Change Crisis?

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

“Mini nuclear power plants could be trucked into a town near you to provide your hot water, or shipped to any country that wants to plug them into their electricity grid from the dock. That is the aim of those developing “small modular reactors” and, from the US to China to Poland, they want the UK to be at the center of the nascent industry. The UK government says it is “fully enthused” about the technology.”

“With UN climate change summit in Paris imminent, the question of how to keep the lights on affordably, while cutting emissions, is pressing.”

GR:  Nuclear energy is dangerous and it produces wastes that remain deadly for tens of thousands of years.  This article is propaganda coming from investors interests who want to centralize energy production and keep distributed systems such as “rooftop solar” out of the hands of consumers.  You can’t get wealthy with a resource that is free and unlimited.