Found on the Net:
Extroverted loner – An extroverted loner would prefer to mingle with others for relaxation but for some reason ends up spending most of their time alone.
– Stuart K. Hayashi. Life in the Market Ecosystem. Lexington Books. 2014.
An extroverted loner is someone who longs to be around people but for whatever reason ends up being alone a lot of the time. To me, these people are just not real true loners at all. An extroverted loner, for instance, would spend a good part of his time when alone fantasizing that he was with other people. I have worked with people who spent most of their time alone, but they told me that most of the time they were alone they were fantasizing that they were with other people. I told these people that there was no way that they were real loners, and I did not even feel that they were true introverts. This sort of person might be thought of as a “frustrated extrovert.”
The reason I think these folks are not introverts is because real introverts do not spend most of their time when alone fantasizing that they were with other people. When real introverts are alone, they are perfectly happy, and they are not fantasizing that they are with other people. Perhaps they are quite happy to be away from people for a bit.
I am dubious if all shy people are really introverted. Probably many shy people are true introverts and are quite happy to be away from others. Yet some shy people are frustrated extroverts. I have met people who told me that they were very shy, and they spent a lot of time alone, but when alone, they spent most of their time fantasizing that they were with others.
I would say that it all boils down to your fantasies. Your fantasies tell you who you are. If you want to figure out who you really are, examine your fantasies. There is the secret key to your psyche.
So this indicates that a shy person can also be a frustrated extrovert. Perhaps they are afraid to approach others or fear being rejected.
If you go up to people, even those you see regularly even at say work, and try to make friends with them, there is no guarantee at all that that person will make friends with you. I understand this quite well. I am quite sure that there were a number of people I worked with who probably did not want to be friends with me at all. That’s normal and expected, but it shows you what happens if you walk up to people, even people you know fairly well, and try to make friends with them. You may well be blown off.
I have been blown off in this way hundreds to thousands of times in my life, and I have also had probably hundreds of friends down through the years. Most people probably just don’t want to be your friend. Quite possibly a few folks want to be your friend, but it’s not so easy to figure out who they are, and they might not approach you.
Most people are retarded Normies, and Normie retards do not understand what “loner” means. A loner means someone who dislikes people, has no use for them and is perfectly happy to be alone all the time. However, Normie morons think that everyone who is alone all the time is a loner! Not true! If they are very unhappy being alone all the time and long to be with others, then they are not loners at all! But all Normies are retarded, so they just can’t seem to figure that out. I forgot to add that there is no human being that a Normie hates more than a “loner,” even though they don’t even understand what the word means.