“Are Brown Women the Answer for White Men?” by Magneto

Posted on the 14 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Are Brown Women the Answer for White Men?

by Magneto

You don’t have to be a sociologist to figure out that feminism has hit White women the hardest. Feminism has influenced and affected all races of women, of course. But it seems that White women have become the most toxic women on the planet due to it. Is there some racial or cultural reason for this? I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this and here are some of my ideas.

White women have never been an oppressed race of women. Throughout history, White women have been the most privileged and spoiled race of women on earth. White women were treated like queens and never had to do manual labor outdoors in the hot sun like Black slave women or Brown women working in hot kitchens to cook meals for their families. White women never even had to learn to cook because they would just hire a Brown woman to do the cooking for them.

So you have this category of extremely privileged women who have developed a massive ego superiority complex over hundreds of years, and then you brainwash them with the idea that they are oppressed? Of course they will swallow such nonsense. It’s like a spoiled child. If you tell a spoiled child that they are a victim and are suffering from oppression, the spoiled child will believe you. Not because they are oppressed, but because they have become such extremely selfish people due to years of being spoiled.

Therefore the root cause seems to be selfishness. I think it’s safe to say that White women are the most selfish race of women on this planet. Of course there are some rare exceptions, but for the most part, do you see White women sacrificing their own happiness to serve their families the way that Brown and Black women do? Can you imagine a White woman voluntarily staying home to lovingly raise her children the same way that Brown women do?

Nope. White women are brainwashed that they need to live and experience the world and they can settle down later on in life. So while Brown and Black women are at home raising children and taking care of their families, White women are traveling all over the world and getting pumped and dumped like trashy whores.

I remember that I briefly dated a Mexican woman after I had just had a pretty bad experience with a White American woman. I was talking to the Mexican girl and telling her about the White girl, and the Mexican girl said, “She sounds like a very selfish person”. It really hit me at that point how different White women and Brown women are. Looking at that sexy Mexican girl with her dark brown skin, dark eyes, and black hair, I felt so attracted to and connected with her. I had never really had that kind of connection with a White woman, ever.

To summarize what I am trying to express in an overly simplistic way. If you marry a White woman, expect to get treated like shit by her, and there is a very real possibility she will divorce you, kidnap your kids from you, destroy you financially and emotionally in divorce, and then use the kids and custody as a weapon of extortion against you to try to literally drive you to suicide. White women are the embodiment of extreme selfishness. Now, on the other hand, if you marry a Brown or Black woman? You can expect to come home every day to a loving wife who will treat you with respect, who will lovingly raise your children, and who will be supportive of you and be a partner with you instead of a competitor.

White women have simply lost the ability to be good wives and mothers. I sometimes doubt if White women were ever good wives and mothers at any time in human history or if they have always been such extremely selfish creatures. Brown women are natural and are the embodiment of feminine grace and beauty. I think many White men realize all of this on a subconscious level, and that is why so many White guys marry Asian or Brown women.

White women are truly the Achilles heel of the White race. The Western world is in a state of total collapse right now, and it is directly the result of White women’s selfish life choices. I would advise all sane White males to turn towards Brown, Asian, or Black women and live a peaceful and happy life with them. Leave trashy White women behind and let them get pumped and dumped by White Trash trailer park garbage. Already it is happening. White men who are married to Asian, Brown, or Black women make $10K more dollars per year on average than White men who are married to White women. So that’s just more proof that if you’re a White male and want to have a successful life, the best option for you is to marry an Asian, Brown, or Black woman. Marrying a White woman is the quickest way to financial and emotional ruin.