Archive Day

By Drharrietd @drharrietd

I didn't know it was Archive Day till I saw it on Annabel's blog -- she's always up to the minute with everything! Actually it was probably yesterday, but here goes anyway. Three from the archive.

Mrs Clenham's Real Secret (Spoiler!)

This title won't mean much any more but in 2008 it was, and remains, my most popular post ever. The BBC was showing a wonderful adaptation of Little Dorrit, but the eighth episiode left a great many people confused, including me. So I thought I'd do the world a service by reading the relevant bit of the book and explaining what really happened. I blame Andrew Davies for trying to cram too much in, but overall he did a great adaptation. 

The Interpretation of Murder

My first ever book review, dating from March 2007.I'd been blogging a little before that, trying to find my feet and my voice -- I'd been encouraged to start by Lynne Hatwell of dovegreyreader and felt rather nervous about the whole process. It's interesting to see how my reviews have developed since then -- I think they are clearer, both in layout and, possibly, in content. But I still remember this as a really enjoyable novel. 

Woman Reading (1)

And here's the first of a series, dating from September 2007. I've been pretty good at continuing this every week for seven years. Sometimes it's writing, drawing, painting, peeling turnips, and sometimes it's not women, and sometimes it's not related to any of those subjects. But I do love looking at art, so I like to share things that have given me pleasure. And I have some nice internet friends who send contributions from time to time. Thanks to you all -- you know who you are!