Architect Portraits by Federico Babina | Art

By Saharg @Saharghazale

Federico Babina is a talented Italian Illustrator I have been following lately. His work is so simple yet so creative. In the series I am focusing on, he created portraits of famous architects using their work as part of the portrait, you won’t believe till you see yourself. Check out the slideshow below!

01_le-corbusier-01 03_f.l.-wright-01-01 04_Gerrit-Rietveld-01-01 05_mies-van-der-rohe-01 06_louis-kahn-01 07_tadao-ando 08_Frank-O.-Gehry 010_alvar-aalto 012_richard-neutra-01 013_jean-nouvel 015_Kazuyo-Sejima-01 016_toyo-ito-01 018_zaha-hadid-01 020_rem-koolhaas-01 021_Luis-Barragn-01 023_Charles-Eames-01 024_alvaro-siza-01 025_Enric-Miralles-01 026_steven-holl-01 027_Arne-Jacobsen-01 028_Eileen-Gray-01 030_Jean-Prouv-01 032_Jan-Kaplick-01 033_bjarke-ingels-01 02_Oscar-Niemeyer-01 011_richard-meier-01 017_norman-foster 031_Richard-Rogers 09_walter-gropius-01 014_antoni-gaudi-01 029_Roberto-Burle-Marx--01 019_mario-botta-01 022_Daniel-Libeskind-01

Federico  Babina