Arcadia Officials Encourage Safety Awareness for Enjoyable Holidays

By Wonder

1205_arcadiaxmassafety_w360_res72The holiday season is meant to be like no other time of the year: a time to celebrate in the warmth and company of friends and family. But there is always that “However-ly” precaution.

Families have a lot to keep in mind during the holidays – especially when entertaining guests within a jubilant household.

According to Arcadia Fire Marshal Mark Krikorian, enjoying the holidays requires planning ahead to keep safety in mind for all members of a household. There are a few simple housekeeping precautions for Christmas trees that are important to note.

“If your tree hasn’t been treated with a fire retardant treatment, make sure that if it is a fresh tree you’ve got to water it,” said Krikorian. “A six-foot tree can use about one gallon of water every two days.”

He also advises that trees should be kept away from heat sources such as fireplaces, heaters or candles. But Christmas tree lights may also be problematic. Krikorian says households should not use more than three strands of lights plugged together, and to check that the wires are not frayed or damaged before decorating the tree with them. Also, the lights should not be touching anything that is combustible, such as paper wrapping.

The fire marshal also pointed out a few safety concerns regarding large occupancy celebrations. Fire safety is a matter of both planning and awareness. And should an emergency take place involving a large group of people in a single room, whether eating together or watching football, an exit strategy can save lives.

“No matter where you go, you should always be aware of where your exits are,” said Krikorian. “You should always have at least two ways out of a any room wherever you go.”

He also advised that if you are with someone who may be on medication, for example, someone who is diabetic, it is helpful for that person to carry a medical I.D. bracelet if emergency responders should require immediate access to their medical background.

For more fire safety tips, please log on to the City of Arcadia website at and refer to the Fire Department link on the site.

The City of Arcadia is also keeping your holiday guests in mind. The city is suspending overnight parking enforcement during the holidays to accommodate residents with guests staying for the holiday season.

According to the city website, overnight parking enforcement will be suspended between Dec. 16, 2012 and Jan. 6, 2013. But there is always an “However!” All other parking regulations, including those for street sweeping and no parking zones, will continue to be enforced.

The city would like you to also know that the 2013 annual Overnight Parking Permit is currently available for $84 at the Cashier’s Office at City Hall. Proof of current California registration is required to obtain an overnight permit.

More information is available on the city’s website at