Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse Aka Chickpea Juice Chocolate Mousse

By Lancashirefood
Aquafaba chocolate mousse aka chickpea juice chocolate mousse
Recently I made some chickpea brownies (please see earlier post) and I had recently spotted a group on facebook for something called Aquafaba (!!!), intrigued I joined the group and discovered aquafaba is actually the liquid from tins of  beans / legumes (pretty much any bean and chickpeas). Wow I thought a way of using something that you chuck down the sink, I hate waste so I thought I would give this vegan egg substitute a try, little realising that I would actively start searching out recipes which used tinned beans / chickpeas just so I could experiment with the canning liquid.
My first success is with a delightfully tasty chocolate mousse, which has no earthy after taste what so ever and has pronounced delicious by all who try it, vegan or not. This recipe would also be great for people who have egg allergies too. The mousse is light and fluffy and keeps for a few days in the fridge.
What you need
  • Juice from a tin of chickpeas
  • 100g dark chocolate - melted ( good quality at least 70% )
  • 1 tsp vanilla or coffee extract
  • Cocoa nibs for decoration
What you do 
  • Whisk up the chickpea juice in a stand mixer bowl until the soft peak stage
  • Add the melted chocolate and vanilla extract
  • Whisk again, don't panic as you will loose volume
  • Pour into ramekins
  • Place in fridge for 3 -4 hours
  • Sprinkle with cocoa nibs
  • Serve to admiring friends and family.
Aquafaba chocolate mousse aka chickpea juice chocolate mousse
A perfect recipe for inclusion in Credit Crunch munch , created and co -hosted by Fab food 4 all and Fuss Free Flavours
                            Credit Crunch Munch