Aqua and Orange Themed 2nd Birthday by Make It Shine Events
By Littlebigcompany1
Make It Shine Events sent in some photos from her son's birthday party that she styled I love the ikat jars and the colours and all the clever crafting by Maria. As told by the lovely Maria" I LOVE aqua and chose to pair it with orange. Mon Tresor had fabulous ikat chocolate wrapper printables which I loved and I asked Suzanna to design an invitation to match those.The cake was by the wonderful Jacki Blissfully Sweet. She also made the cupcakes and chocolate marshmallows. Denin from Spoon and Fork Cookies and Cakes handpainted cookies to match the Ikat pattern. Thanks to MakMak for the macarons"
Candy Soirees milk cartons which I bought from Sweet Style and the Rock Candy swizzle sticks, orange straws and orange lanterns from The Little Big Company