April Wrap Up

By Beautybutafunnygirl @beutybutfunygrl

April was a pretty good month as far as reading goes. I was rather impressed with how much I got read and what I accomplished on my blog and in my life. 
Monthly wrap up is a new thing I'm doing on the last day of every month. Basically, I just lay out the books I reviewed on the blog, the books I read (reviewed this month or not), an update on my 2013 challenges, and my favorite read of the month.
Goal wise I'm pretty on track. I'm a little farther behind in my 2013 TBR Pile challenge as I've only read 11 books, but it's still early in the year so I'm not panicking yet. I'm doing awesome on the 2013  Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge as I'm 8 books away from tying last years books read. And I've already reached my goal for Let Me Count the Ways, so every other page read is just gravy!
How did your April reading go? Did you accomplish what you wanted to? How are you doing on your goals? What was favorite book you read this month? Let me know below?
(to see these reviews, click their covers on the sidebar to your right)
Read(includes any DNFs)      
2013 Challenges Update
2013 TBR Pile
 2013 TBR Goal: 41-50 BooksCurrent TBR Total: 11 Books
2013 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge
Last Year: 30 Books
This Year: 22 Books
(3 DNF)
Let Me Count The Ways
Page Goal: 6,001 - 8,000 pages
Page Total: 6,293 pages
Favorite Read of the Month

The past few years have held more surprises than part-angel Clara Gardner could ever have anticipated. Yet from the dizzying highs of first love, to the agonizing low of losing someone close to her, the one thing she can no longer deny is that she was never meant to live a normal life.
Since discovering the special role she plays among the other angel-bloods, Clara has been determined to protect Tucker Avery from the evil that follows her . . . even if it means breaking both their hearts. Leaving town seems like the best option, so she’s headed back to California - and so is Christian Prescott, the irresistible boy from the vision that started her on this journey in the first place.
As Clara makes her way in a world that is frighteningly new, she discovers that the fallen angel who attacked her is watching her every move. And he’s not the only one. . . . With the battle against the Black Wings looming, Clara knows she must finally fulfill her destiny. But it won’t come without sacrifices and betrayal.
In the riveting finale of the Unearthly series, Clara must decide her fate once and for all.