April Q & A

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

April Q & A

Another month, another Q & A (click here to see February and click here to see March). These have seriously become my favorite posts because it allows me to share a little more about me, my preferences, etc. In case you missed it, this is actually my second Q & A this month. At the beginning of the month I did a guest Q & A and I got my husband, Wade, to answer YOUR questions that you submitted! I have to say, I think he did a really great job (click here to read).

Okay, so here we go…April’s Q & A!

April Q & A

  • What was your first blog post? I cannot believe that this is the first time I have ever been asked this. Trust me when I say it was extremely underwhelming but if you feel like seeing my first blog post EVER, click here!
  • If you weren’t a blogger, what would be your profession?
  • How often do you work out? It really depends on the week but if the week is running on schedule (most of the time it is not), I would say 6 times a week. (yoga, peloton, yoga, peloton, spin class, spin class)
  • How often do you get botox? I am thinking about getting it and I am nervous! Every 4-6 months! Totally a personal choice but I just say do what you want/works for you!
  • Every sales person tells me the GB pockit it too rickety. Do you feel like it’s holding up? I love our GB Pockit Stroller. I do understand where the sales person is coming from but for the price point (under $180) it’s GREAT. It’s so lightweight (only 9 pounds) and folds up like a dream (hardly takes up any trunk space). I mean if you are trying to go on a run or a long stroll around your neighborhood, then the pockit is not for you. For trips to the mall, strolls around HP Village (or your neighborhood shopping center), quick errands and travel (it fits in the overhead bin or in the medium size Away luggage) it’s THE BEST. We do have a Bugaboo stroller that we use RARELY because Ralph is obsessed with this push car that we push him around our neighborhood in.
  • Did you ever feel like the Doona was too heavy? Only towards the end when Ralph had outgrown it but I was not wanting to give it up!! The Doona is the BEST!
  • What are your favorite type of Levi’s Jeans? This is my favorite pair of Levi’s. They are $88 and the best. I did chop the bottoms off with scissors at home to keep the distressed look but to make them hit at the top of my ankle bone (where I always get my jeans/pants/etc hemmed to). Click here to see me wearing them in a blog post from last summer!
  • What is the best diaper bag for day to day? When Ralph was first born I would carry this tote around and then just use a large make up bag and put a couple diapers, a bottle and an extra onsie in the make up bag zip bag (that was in the tote). We were never gone that long (because I am a strict schedule follower), so sometimes I wouldn’t even bring a diaper bag! As Ralph became a bit more mobile, I got this backpack (last summer) and then last fall I added this backpack to my ‘Ralph’ collection
  • What type of facials do you do for your skin? And how often do you get facials? The type of facial that I get actually depends on what my skin is doing when I go in! I am so thankful to go to someone so knowledgeable who knows how to help me maintain my skin! As far as how often I go…well that depends. I like to go every 3 weeks but on the rare occasion that my esthetician has a cancelation, she texts me and I go in to see her!
  • Go to snacks for baby Ralph? His snacks have changed the last month as he gets more and more opinionated. He loves the Annie’s gummies (prefers cherry), veggie sticks, peanut butter crackers, oranges (really all fruit), crackers). I would say ‘normal’ kids snacks but varies day by day depending on what he wants because he has NO problem telling you what he wants!
  • What brand of pillow do you sleep on? We sleep on these pillows are they are THE BEST.
  • How long did you and Wade date before you knew he was the one? We were friends long before we started dating, which we both think is important. I would say that once we ‘officially’ started dating, I knew Wade was the one about 3 months in. We got engaged a year and a half after we started dating and then married 6 months after that. 
  • Aside from blogging, would love to learn about your career path. I did a post on my career path a couple of years ago. Click here to read it!
  • What do you recommend for Easter attire? This is kind of a tough question because it really depends on what you are doing! Our plans are a bit more casual this year, so a pair of jeans and a top with flats are my plan but if you need an Easter dress, I really like this one!
  • What are your favorite shoes for Ralph? There are so many cute options for boys! I recently got Ralph these sneakers. Ralph loves wearing these and this brand has such great shoes for littles!
  • Favorite Peloton instructor? 100% Alex Toussaint
  • Do you take a pre workout drink or snack? Generally no but if I am hungry then I will eat a banana pre workout! 
  • When Ralph wakes up in the night, how do you handle it? (run straight in, etc and who goes in) Honestly, it depends on the night. Thankfully Ralph has been a GREAT sleeper the entire time so he MAYBE wakes up twice a month and usually puts himself back to sleep. The monitor is always on my bedside table and if I hear him whining in the middle of the night I turn down the monitor (to not wake Wade) and set my alarm for 10 minutes from the time he first woke. If he is still fussy after the 10 minutes we keep a little sip cup with milk in the fridge in our coffee bar in our room and I grab it and go offer it to him. Some times he wants it, others he just needs a little hug and he’s right back out! To answer the second question of who goes in the room, I would say it really just depends on the night. Me and Wade have always taken turns but recently Ralph has been on a big ‘mama’ kick so even if Wade does go in there, Ralph KNOWS I am in our room so he will just yell MAMA until I go and console him. Again, Ralph is such a great sleeper that this rarely happens! 
  • Where did you stay in Miami and what is your favorite restaurant there? The last few times we have gone to Miami we have stayed at Soho House and loved it. Another favorite hotel of ours is The Edition. Our favorite restaurant in Miami (and really ever) is Casa Tua.
  • How long have you been blogging? I bought DallasWardrobe.com in the spring of 2011….so almost 8 years! Crazy how time flies!
  • Where do you recommend shopping for work wear in Dallas? If you are going in store I would say DVF, Neimans (Theory has great basics), Zara or White House Black Market. 
  • Do you mostly shop online or in person? Online
  • When do you think Ralph will have a sibling? Not sure about this one. We are really enjoying our sweet little baby Ralph đŸ™‚ 
  • What was your push present? A diamond eternity band
  • Packing for travel with baby tips please! I have actually done two blog posts on this! The first one is Tips for Traveling with a New Baby (click here to read) and Tips for Traveling with a 6 month old Baby (click here to read). The 6 month old travel tips will last from 6-13 months or until your baby grows out of the Doona!
  • Favorite vacation spot with and without Ralph? This is tough because a lot of the places we love and regularly visit, Ralph has been already! With Ralph I would say Idaho (where we spent he majority of last summer and where we will spend this summer), Miami (he LOVES the water), L.A. or Nantucket. Funny enough all of these places we love with or without Ralph. I will say that Cabo is favorite or mine and Wade’s as well as Las Vegas (we have been together at least 26 times).
  • Have you ever done laser hair removal? Nope but I have heard great things!
  • Where did you go on your honeymoon? We went to the South of France (Monte Carlo, Cannes, Nice and St. Tropez)
  • Do you think having a night nurse is worth it? The best money we have ever spent. Even if you have someone come once a week or once every other week, I promise it is worth it. Sleep is the best gift that you can receive (in my opinion).
  • Favorite daily moisturizer? Every morning I put this moisturizer on first (let it soak in before you put on the next moisturizer) followed by this moisturizer. Dream team combo if I might say so myself!
  • How did you choose your birth plan for baby Ralph? I just decided what worked best for me and that’s what I went with! 
  • Favorite laundry detergent? We use All Free & Clear at our house!
  • Did you get stretch marks? I did not but I am totally convinced that even if you did all the tricks in the world to prevent them that you are either going to get them or not (if that makes sense).
  • How would you describe your interior design style? Transitional
  • Advice for house hunting? Be patient and be realistic about your list because I promise you will not get every single thing on it (unless you build or have an unlimited budget). House hunting is such a brutal and stressful process but you will eventually find something that suits you and your family!
  • Comfortable heels that are worth the splurge? Anything Jimmy Choo. I have a lot of shoes and all of my Jimmy Choo’s are BY FAR the most comfortable!
  • Do you still have Banks and Harry? We do but if I am being honest they have totally taken a back seat the last year. It’s SO hard to not pay attention to Ralph non stop, especially since he became mobile. We do have someone that keeps them pretty regularly (she also keeps my sisters dog & Kristin and Jack’s dogs) so they get to interact with other puppies and get LOTS of attention. 
  • Any big family trips planned for summer? The majority of the summer we will be in Idaho but will probably take a couple other trips in between.
  • Hardest thing about motherhood? Balancing everything and realizing that you will never make everyone happy
  • If you could travel any place in the world with Wade where would you want to go? This is a tough one but if I had to pick a place we have never been, I would say the Amalfi Coast.
  • How do you know the Sheneman’s? Is it weird that this is my favorite question? I find it so funny that no one has ever asked this! Myself, Jack, Wade and Kristin all went to college together. Jack and Kristin dated in college and Kristin and I were in the same sorority pledge class but lived in different groups of girls and ran around with different fraternities so never really became close. Wade, well Wade was Wade and was beating to his own drum until he and I became friends around the holidays of our senior year of college (you can read the FULL story about how Wade and I met here). Anyways, about a year and a half after myself, Kristin and Wade had graduated from college (Jack had JUST graduated – he was in the grade below us) me and Kristin were out with a group of girls and we were talking about our significant others and how much we thought they would get along. Fast forward probably a weekend, we all went to dinner and out and have been inseparable ever since. There is nothing better than having friends who you can just do life with. We always laugh because we get along so well that the phrase “let’s go to dinner together because no one feels like talking” has been said more than a handful of times. I promise we have more than a handful of meals where we chat about anything and everything but you know what I mean! 

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