April Favourites

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Time for me to tell you about the products I reached for most over the past month. My skin has been really, really dry so most of my favourites this month are skin care products, I've been wearing minimal makeup and concentrating on keeping my skin hydrated.
Olay Complete Care Touch of Foundation - I'm onto my second bottle of this now. I used it religiously for months, opened the new bottle and promptly forgot about it until a month ago when I was searching my stash for a new BB cream. This is a brilliant product, it's exactly what it says, it's a moisturiser with a touch of foundation. The coverage is great, better than a tinted moisturiser but not as heavy as a foundation. Perfection. My full review is here.

Aurora Spa Rose and Shea Hand and Cuticle Cream -This has been my life saver lately, my hands are so dry that they feel like sandpaper. I use this at night time and when I wake up in the morning my hands are soft and lovely again. As an added bonus, it smells lovely.

The Body Shop Satsuma Shower Gel -I've only had this for a few days, but OMG does it smell amazing! I can see that I'll be hoarding this because they've discontinued it.

MooGoo Oil Cleansing Method - Out of all the cleansing oils I've tried, this is the one that I always come back to. It's reasonably priced, smells great, doesn't leave an oil slick on my face and easily removes all my makeup. You can read my full review here.

Franc Serum - Due to my parched skin I've been using two serums in the morning. I apply Luminesce first and then Franc over the top. Despite being an oil, Franc is absorbed very quickly and is undetectable within a few minutes. This is doing a great job of keeping my skin hydrated all. The few times I haven't used it, within a few hours my skin is feeling dry and tight. I can see this becoming a winter staple.

Percy and Reed Volumising No Oil Oil - Su gave this to me a while ago and it quickly became a holy grail product. It gives great volume to my fine, limp hair, without making it greasy or crunchy. Despite me using it every week, there is still heaps left in the bottle, a little goes a long way. If you have fine, limp hair you need this in your life.

Luminesce - I know I mentioned this last month, but I'm totally in love with it. My skin is looking clearer and I can feel the tightening as soon as I've put it on. 

Australis Mineral Inject Lip Gloss - This is one of my all time favorite lip glosses, it's perfection in a gloss. The color is gorgeous, it smells great, it's hydrating, lasts well and it's super cheap. Rumba is the color show, it's a mlbb shade for me. My full review is here. 

Bellamer Eye Balm - I got this in one of the beauty boxes (don't remember which one) and didn't use it because it was too thick and ointment like. At the time I wondered when anyone would need such a heavy eye cream, but now I know the answer. Thanks to seasonal allergies my eyelids are really dry. I've been putting shea butter on them but it hasn't really helped, but the Bellamer Eye Balm has been amazing. I put it on at night and after two nights my eyelids were no longer dry.

If you've done a favourites post, please post the link so I can read your post and if you aren't a blogger, comment with your favourites, I'd love to know what you've all been using this month (so I can add everything to my ever growing wishlist).