Appliances Online : Having Your Cake and Eating It Too

By Parentalparody @parental_parody

I have no idea who, but someone important and influential said something about "let them eat cake". And that's exactly what I've spent the past 24 hours doing. Eating cake. Lots of cake. Cake made by Cupids Delight which is like eating celebrity cake.  I've been closing my eyes and pretending that the cake I'm eating is my wedding cake with George Clooney.  It has scale models of both of us - Mr & Mrs George and Georgia Clooney - on top.  Totally romantic and delicious. The reality is that my cake looks like this:

Breville Juice Fountain Plus - not George & Georgia's wedding cake, but still yummy

Slightly less romantic, but if I open my eyes and look at the cake I'm actually eating, I can convince myself it's totally healthy because - hello, it's a juicer. Which also reminds me that I have been banging on for weeks about joining the green juice trend without actually doing anything towards joining the green juice trend. Thanks to Appliances Online, I now have no excuse. Not only did I take home the cake-ised version, but I also received an actual metal-ised version. My wedding cake with George Clooney that turned out to be a juicer came about when Appliances Online invited me to a cake decorating class yesterday, to help celebrate their 8th birthday. My oldest child turned 8 last month and I'm now feeling slightly guilty that she had less of a celebration than an online appliances store threw for their own 8th birthday.  I vow to do better next year, Miss8.  There will be party poppers, fairy bread and sparklers, and I will make your father dress up as your beloved Katy Perry. Luckily, I am a long established Appliances Online customer, having bought my coffee machine, toaster and stick blender from them over the past few years.  I know that they regularly have the best prices.  I love their free delivery in the metropolitan area (which has extended South to Margaret River, here in WA).  For me, the best part (besides the prices) is that they install, set up and remove boxes and packaging too.  No more massive appliance boxes filling your bin, or worse, taking up your living room as a rocket ship / cubby house until they are disintegrating all over your floors.  No worrying about how you're going to get the fridge home without borrowing a semi trailer; or set up the TV without the assistance of a 6 year old tech wizard. Since I know all about Appliances Online, I immediately set about focusing on eating all of the fondant icing that accidentally hit the floor, while others were reading their information packs, speaking to Appliances Online staff about the business, and other more appropriate and mature things.

My contribution to our replica Juicer cake was the spout.  Nailed it

To celebrate their 8th Birthday, Appliances Online is holding a cake decorating contest. Check out their website for details on how to enter for your chance to win one of 8 Sunbeam Food Processors. Entries close 8th December, so get baking and fondanting and try not to eat all of the icing because I have it on good authority that too much of a good thing will result in a killer stomach ache...