Apple Watch Vs…

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Whenever I’m thinking about buying something new (or, honestly  even when I’m thinking about Pinning something new to my wish list board) I love to read comparison reviews. I blame a healthy addiction to Consumer Reports as a child and a minor obsession with spreadsheets and graphics. But seriously – I want to know whether the Fitbit or Up is right for me. Whether the Totally MM is that much smaller than the GM (this was, of course, before Louis Vuitton BROKE MY HEART and discontinued the Totally GM.) I definitely want to know which organic CC cream has the most coverage. I just like consumer comparisons. So when i saw this handy chart for comparing smart watches, I was pretty damn pleased. The Apple watch’s debut has sparked innumerable discussions among watch nerds, tech geeks and jewelry hounds alike. But besides the data concerns, the main discussion is how the Apple watch sets itself apart from the existing smart watches on the market. You know, the roughly 8 billion that debuted this year alone. While the Apple watch is still only a twinkle in many fanboys’ eye and a rarified sight on the runways at Paris Fashion week, we have some good preliminary info to help us compare it to the other watches on the market.

What do you think? Will you be in line for the Apple Watch when it becomes available? And if so, why didn’t you just pre-order it and have it delivered to your door? Advertisement