Apple iPhone 4S: User’s Top Five Complaints (including Siri Doesn’t Understand Scottish Accents)

Posted on the 19 October 2011 by Periscope @periscopepost

Barely out of the box, and already causing problems. Photo credit: Brett Jordan

While much of the world is delighted with its new toy, the iPhone 4S, some people will never be happy. Perhaps inevitably, a variety of complaints from somewhat disgruntled customers are emerging. Is the latest iPhone not the epitome of mobile phone perfection? Perhaps not. Here are the top five quibbles:

  1. Yellowgate. A number of panicked users have said that the new screen doesn’t match up to the standards set by the iPhone 4. CNET reported that users claim to be experiencing “yellow discolouration.” Reassurance, however, has arrived, as apparently similar issues existed in previous models. The problem is most likely caused by a “glue issue” because the phones are so new, and should resolve itself rapidly.
  2. Battery. Some users are upset because they can’t use their new phone for long enough. The battery life on the latest iPhone iteration does not match up to previous versions. Nate Lanxon, editor of, was just one of the many distressed users who complained of the battery weaknesses.
  3. “Can you try that again?” While some may be deeply in love with Siri, the new voice-activated personal assistant, others are less pleased, particularly those who don’t live in the US. Siri apparently struggles with strong accents (see video of a Scotsman struggling with Siri below), while CNN reported that many location-based features, such as local business location, don’t work outside America.
  4. Camera Problems. With the iPhone 4S comes an upgrade to the camera, from 3 to 8 megapixels, but complaints are coming in. The Huffington Post warned that the “infamously-slow iPhone camera shutter appears to be victimizing more would-be photographers on the iPhone 4S.”
  5. Sneaky iPhone. Jacob Aron at The New Scientist highlighted the iPhone’s darker side, warning that by eavesdropping on computer keyboard noises, it can detect and store passwords. Rebecca Greenfield of The Atlantic Wire, meanwhile, was perturbed by the potential uses of the “Find My Friends” feature, which allows you to locate your friends. A stalker’s dream.  

Siri struggles with Scottish: