New Delhi, Tech Desk. The Apple iPhone 11 Series has recently been launched. Now, wait, just these phones to be available for sale in India … The affordable smartphone in this series is the iPhone 11. Along with this, the premium smartphones iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max were launched on September 10. All three phones will be available for sale in India from September 27. However, the good news for iPhone lovers is that they can be pre-ordered in India from September 20.
Flipkart has listed all three new models of iPhones. It will be available for pre-order in India from September 20. However, this listing has now been removed from the page. India Today news has given a screenshot on the availability of the phone. Flipkart may have accidentally made its listing live ahead of time.
Apart from Flipkart, Amazon India has also listed 64GB white color variants of Apple iPhone 11. However, just like Flipkart, this page can no longer be accessed by Amazon. Now, the reasons why both e-commerce sites have removed the page after listing is not known at present. We tried to reach e-commerce sites for this. There was no reply about it till the time of writing the news. However, we will update it as soon as we get the news.
Remind you, according to some earlier reports; there was news that Apple iPhone 11 series will be made available in India from September 20. This date was later revised. Apple had confirmed that the iPhone 11 series smartphones would be available for sale in India from September 27. Some time ago it was reported on India Today that Paytm Mall would offer a cashback of Rs 10000 on the purchase of all new Apple products. This means that this cashback will be valid not only on the Apple iPhone 11 series but also on other Apple products.