Apparently Monogamy is Now “Sexist”

Posted on the 18 July 2015 by Calvinthedog


This is one of the weirdest articles I have read in a long time.

The feminists just keep getting more and more nuts.

So this is where it’s all headed, eh? The true meaning of feminism is that the husband has no right whatsoever to put any limits on his wife’s sex life or sex partners because feminism means that wives have the right to choose whoever they want to have sex with in their marriage – their husbands, other men, or both, and apparently to interfere in her freedom of choice is anti-feminism!

Just when you thought feminism couldn’t get anymore insane, we read this.

Robert Stark asked me a while back if the Cultural Left would ever run out of demands or if they would keep moving the goalposts and pushing the envelope forever. I believe that in my lifetime, we will not see a satisfied Cultural Left. I told Stark that I did not think the Cultural Left would ever be truly satisfied and even if they were, your Cultural Left Utopia would probably be one of the weirdest and most insane societies mankind has ever created. Would it work? Who cares? Looks of crazy and even evil cultures “work.” Headhunters and cannibals carried on for centuries without going extinct. A better question is would such a society be healthy. Of course not.

Indeed, it seems every year brings some new Cultural Left outrage along with a demand that we recognize this behavior as completely normal, else we are racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-feminists, puritans, transphobes, and on and on.

And notice that the Cultural Left doesn’t even demand “tolerance” anymore. We’ve been giving them that forever. Now they want “acceptance” which is a whole other kettle of fish and which a lot of us are not willing to grant them. Increasingly, I think the Cultural Left is not even happy with acceptance. We have to actual cheer all this stuff on. Pretty soon they will start demanding that we participate in whatever the Weirdness Du Jour is to prove our progressive bonafides.

As an example, I support all of the major gay rights causes. And I have supported gay marriage for some time now. In fact, I am on the mailing lists for some gay rights organizations and I participate in their political campaigns on a regular basis.

On the other hand, I am not 100% wild about gay men and I actually quite wary of them. I’ve had a couple of gay clients in my counseling practice, and I was surprised at how much I liked them. But I’m generally dubious about gay men because I have had ten lifetimes worth of bad experiences with them. Because I don’t jump up and down and cheer for male homosexuality, I’m a homophobe!

Can you believe it? How many homophobes support gay marriage? How many homophobes are on gay rights mailing lists and participate in gay political campaigns?

I’m a veteran of the Civil Rights movement, MLK is one of my heroes (with guarded respect to Malcolm and the Panthers), I voted for Obama twice, I worked for Obama’s first campaign, my favorite Congressmen are in the Black Congressional Caucus and I am on some pro-Black mailing lists and sometimes help on their political campaigns.

In spite of all of that, my reputation on the Web is “vicious anti-Black racist, White supremacist, White nationalist, KKK cracker.” Almost every Black person who comes to this blog starts ripping into me immediately and gets banned right away.

So as you can see, not only are they constantly moving the goalposts on their increasingly insane demands, but the Cultural Marxists are constantly redefining their favorite words like anti-Semite, homophobe, transphobe, sexist and racist.

As you can see, all the support I gave to the gay rights movement was not enough. I was still a homophobe.

You can see I have supported the Black Civil Rights Movement (in its original form, not in its idiotic modern antiracist insane asylum form) for decades, I have ever worked on Black political campaigns and twice voted for the first Black President. No matter. None of that was any good because they kept moving the goalposts on me. Despite all of that, I’m still a vicious anti-Black racist.

Sometimes I wonder why I support gays, Blacks, women, Jews or trannies at all. They’re nothing but a bunch of ingrates with endless and constantly escalating demands. Part of me wants to just hang it all up, go reactionary and say the Hell with all of them.