Apocalipstick by Lisa Acerbo: Tens List and Excerpt

By Lauriej

Lisa Acerbo’s bucket list
Go on a cattle drive
Long hours on horseback, my daughter and wranglers for company, open spaces and smelly cows.Sounds like heaven to me.Weird right?
Write a bestselling novel
Working really, really hard on this one.
Have one of my books made into a movie

Of course, I retain the rights to pick the actors who play each of the main characters.Jenna would be played by Chloe Grace Moretz who is Hit Girl in the movie Kick Ass. Nicholas Hoult from Warm Bodies gets to play Caleb.

Own a cottage in Ireland
Traveled to Carrick-on-Suir, Ireland for my sixteenth birthday and fell in love with the country (and a boy too).I went back and spent my junior year of college outside Dublin in Maynooth.Took my daughter to Ireland for her sixteenth birthday.I have no Irish in me, but one day, I hope to live there.
Visit Thailand
When I was young, my mom gave me a doll dressed in garb from Thailand and ever since then I wanted to visit.I have been so lucky in my life and spent time in Europe and Africa, but never Asia. Next stop Thailand.
Mountain bike across the United States for charity
I love biking and traveling. I have also lived a blessed life, and I would one day like to “pay it forward” a little bit.This would be the best of all worlds.Since I’m not in great shape, I would also be fine with mountain biking the East Coast from Maine to Florida.
Climb a mountain
Everyone needs a little more adventure in his or her life.Find me a big mountain (but smaller than Everest) and start me hiking.
Take my family to see the pyramids in Egypt
Egypt and the pyramids have always fascinated me.I would love to see them and then be able to write a novel based on the experience. My family tagging along for the experience is a huge bonus. 
Own a farm
Working the land and raising animals sounds fun until its mid winter and I have to feed the horses at six in the morning.Still, I would love to own a farm, have an organic garden and a lot of horses. Maybe a couple sheep.
Meet Stephen King for coffee and discuss literature.
Seriously, who would not want to meet Stephen King?I worry I’dsay something dumb, but it would be worth the risk.
Title: Apocalipstick
Author: Lisa Acerbo
Published:August 1st, 2013
Publisher: Eternal Press
Word Count: 67,000
Genre:Horror Paranormal Romance
Content Warning: Contains non-graphic zombie gore
Recommended Age: 15+

Synopsis: Jenna should be having the time of her life at college. Instead, her only desire is survival. She lives in a world gone insane after a virus kills most of the population. Being alive after the apocalypse is bad, but when the undead return, hungry for humans, times turn darker. For Jenna and a small group of survivors, the goal is to reach the High Point Inn. At the inn, Jenna develops feelings for Caleb, who, while exotic and intoxicating, is not quite human. Will this new utopia last?
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“By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes…” ran through Jenna’s mind, another remnant of her former life. Now the graveyard was the safest place. Evil openly roamed the streets and it was coming for her.Jenna blinked the sweat out of her eyes and took a deep breath. She swayed with exhaustion. Angels, symbols of all things God and good, adornments of the dead, swam in and out of Jenna’s clouded vision. She placed a scarred hand on the peaceful, cold stone markers, embellished with the names of forgotten loved ones. Nowadays, loved ones wanted to come back from the grave and claw your face off, devour your insides.Jenna wanted to lie down and give up. She was tired and had lost everyone she knew. Hair lank and greasy, mud splattered clothing, old and mismatched. Instead of admitting defeat, she forced herself to stay alert, pushing matted, raven hair out of her eyes with a dirty hand. Jenna could not remember a time in her recent history where she felt clean or had a moment in which she was not fighting to stay alive. Looking around the darkened landscape, she wanted to live. She shoved to her feet once again.

Born and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, Lisa Acerbo has lived in Trumbull, Connecticut since 2001. After graduating from the University of Connecticut with a degree in English Education and receiving a Master’s degree in Environmental Education from Southern Connecticut State University, she worked in a variety of educational positions.Presently, Lisa works as a high school teacher and adjunct faculty for the University of Phoenix.
Lisa always loved to write and worked as an intern for the Connecticut Post when completing her degree at Southern Connecticut State University.In addition to the Connecticut Post, her articles appeared in the Trumbull Patch and Hollywood Scriptwriter.She occasionally dabbles in poetry and her poetry won first place in the Trumbull Arts Festival Literary Competition.
Lisa lives with her husband, Frank, two daughters, Dominique and Jessica, plus three cats and two horses.

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