Anzac Biscuits/Cookies

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
We have an Elder serving us here in the Chester Ward area at the moment from Australia. Elder Van Dyken.  As you know I love to feed the missionaries and help them out whenever I can.   Last Friday Elder Van Dyken and Elder Allen were sweet enough to bring us a meal because they knew that Todd might not be feeling well after his procedure on Thursday, and so I thought I would do something for them in return.  I was always taught that you never give back a dish empty and so I decided to bake them some Azac Biscuits (cookies) in honor of Australia day which is on the 26th of January.  (Today as you read this.)
An Anzac biscuit is a sweet, hard tack biscuit, popular in Australia and New Zealand, made using rolled oats, flour, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda, boiling water, and (optionally) desiccated coconut.  I have never made them before and so I turned to a Donna Hay Recipe to make mine, courtesy of Domayne Online.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect, never having ever tasted an Anzac Biscuit or baked one in the past, but I went with the recipe and was well pleased with the results.  They are kind of like a flat round flapjack.  
Sweet, buttery and oaty  . . .  crisp at the edges and chewy in the middle.  They reminded me a lot of Aunt Fern's Cookies, which is an oatmeal/coconut cookie I have been baking for years and years, the original recipe having been one borrowed from my ex-husband's Aunt Fern.
I can't believe that I have never shown you those either!   They are fabulous.  I will have to bake some one day for y'all!
We messaged the Elders yesterday to tell them we had their container for them, and they happened to be right in the neighborhood  so they popped by the house and were thrilled to pieces to get the cookies.  They each had to try one right away, with a glass of cold milk.
Elder VanDyken was particularly thrilled because they reminded him of home.  I was happy about that.   They left here with big smiles on their faces.  I love it when that happens!  It was a happy co-incidence that it just happened to be Australia Day.  I didn't plan it that way, but I am happy when things like that happen also!
*Anzac Biscuits*Makes about 3 dozenPrintable Recipe  
Sweet, coconutty, oaty, buttery and chewy.  Love these! 
180g old fashioned rolled oats (2 cups)150g plain flour (generous 1 cup all purpose)150g caster sugar (2/3 cup superfine)60g dessicated unsweetened coconut (3/4 cup)115g golden syrup (1/3 cup)125g of unsalted butter (1/2 cup)1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)2 TBS hot water 
Preheat the oven to 160*C/325*F/ gas mark 3.  Have ready several baking sheets which you have lined with greaseproof paper. 
Whisk together the oats, flour, sugar and coconut in a bowl. Heat the butter and golden syrup over low heat to melt the butter.  Dissolve the soda in the hot water.  Add to the butter mixture.  Pour over the oat mixture and mix well to combine.  Roll TBS of the mixture into balls and place onto the baking sheets, leaving plenty of room to spread.  Flatten lightly with your fingers to about 1/3 inch height. 
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes until golden brown.  Allow to cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes before scooping off onto wire racks to cool completely.  Store in an airtight container.
I hope you will give these a go.  I think you will agree that they are very tasty indeed!  Happy Australia Day!  Bon Appetit!