Anyone for S’mOreos?

By Crushland @crushland

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And when there’s fire, there should me s’mores!

But these aren’t just any s’mores. These are S’mOreos.

What are Graham crackers anyway?

Little K will show us what we need. Marshmallows on skewers, ready to pass around.

Or you could be adventurous and use the coconut mallows.

One box of Oreos.

A big chocolate, preferably a Bubbly.

And a fire, preferably roaring, but hot coals after a braai would also do.

The challenging part is getting the Oreos apart without breaking them. The best technique to use is rotating each half in the opposite direction, very gently. Then add a piece of chocolate and toasted marshmallow. And its ready! And now the best part, as seen here as demonstrated by Little K’s mom. So it’s slightly charred and not very melty. But I was running out of patience for slow roasting to melt gently and evenly!  But you get the idea.

I’m thinking… what about coating this whole thing in melted dark chocolate and making S’mOreo truffles?? Maybe next time.

NB: If you can’t wait until the next fire, compile everything and stick it in a hot oven until the mallows melt. Or use candles if you’re feeling lazy