Anuj Garg is the Chief Operating Officer of Clickmonks, a start up by 4 IIT Bombay students. They love photography and capturing those special moments in life. He tells us more about Clickmonks in this guest article for ReflectionsPN. Also, expect an interview with Anuj Garg exclusively on ReflectionsPN in the next week. The stage is set for Anuj Garg. Read it and leave your views in the comments. And do visit Clickmonks at Send in your feedback either to me at or to Anuj Garg at
Gadgets. Try to think top five stuffs that you would always want. Most likely the list will include:
Gaming consoles like Xbox/Play Station, sleek delicious Apple products, smartphones like Blackberry, few high end laptops…and then what would be next…digital cameras? Ah! There you are.
Photography is a fast evolving hobby and is catching up with the youths like never before. Although still an expensive hobby it is one of the highly respected art forms amongst the younger generations. The gadgets of photography ranges from DSLRs to phone cameras to if-still-exists reel based cameras. The joy of capturing a special moment forever or the pride in arresting one’s own perspective through one’s lens is nothing but priceless.
Recently there is a sudden bloom of good photographers in countries like Lebanon, South Africa and India. Most of them are self motivated freelancers who after their graduation decided to follow their passion in photography. This hobby is often considered as a big time non-conventional profession. But let’s come to the point. And it’s photography. So what next?
There are these bunch of enthusiastic folks who are trying to create the largest online photo-mosaic ever. They are inviting everyone who loves photography to upload their works which would be later compiled to create the largest photo-mosaic. The project is expected to be active for few months and then it will be pulled off the shelf. There is no nationality or age restrictions for the photographers. And if you already have got the vibe of the photographer in you then make haste and visit