Antigua 2018 Style Diaries

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

If you follow me on Instagram then you saw that I spent my holiday break on the beautiful island of Antigua. It was my first time and it did not disappoint. My best friend's family is from Antigua and her boyfriend lives there so we basically only slept at our hotel. Thanks to the two of them, the rest of time was spent exploring the island.

Day 1: Arrival

We landed in the afternoon and headed straight to our hotel, Trade Winds. It was a beautiful small property with amazing views (though I quickly learned there are no bad views in Antigua), a great restaurant, and spacious rooms. Our room had a step down living room area that led to a balcony with (surprise) another gorgeous view.

After grabbing lunch off of the property we headed back to the hotel and caught the sunset. We did dinner at Coconut Grove by the beach and then went to a fun outdoor club called Abracadabra. The DJ had us dancing until the wee hours of the morning.

Day 2: Exploring Town

On day 2, after breakfast and a bit of pool time we headed into to town. My friend's boyfriend owns a women's clothing store so we started there then went towards the dock where cruise ships come in for lunch.

After lunch we stopped at this cool bar called " In The Backyard ". It was literally a piece of someone's backyard that was turned into a bar/restaurant. You would never know it's there until you walk in. If this was New York, it would be a speakeasy that charges $18 for a drink. In Antigua, it was a welcoming place that made you feel like home.

Later, that night we went to a hookah bar, Ali Baba, that was doing karaoke. It was one of the most unexpectedly fun nights of the trip thanks to a particularly rowdy group from the UK. There was man doing a gyrating hip thrust that I am sure is illegal in least 5 states.

Day 3: Sightseeing

We dedicated the Sunday of our trip to really seeing the island. After brunch at this delicious farm-to-table restaurant, Garden Grill. We headed to Sheer Rocks - a bar and restaurant that had the most stunning views of the trip. My only wish for this part of the day is that we could have spent more time there just to soak up the views some more.

After Sheer Rocks, we headed to Shirley Heights. It is a lookout point that is surrounded by abandoned forts from wars past. While we missed the initial sunset, we still were able take in the amazing sight above before the sun completely set.

We were greeted by a live steel drum band, the scents of yummy barbecue, and a large crowd (it's a big tourist attraction). After the steel band finished playing, a live band began their set. The highlight for me being when they performed "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley (a childhood favorite). Our night ended at Beach Limerz, where the live music trend continued with a super talented soca band.

Sunglasses: Quay | Top: For Love and Lemons ( via Rent The Runway) | Shorts: H&M

Day 4: New Year's Eve

During the day leading up to New Year's Eve celebrations we took it easy. We went to the beach, sipped on some piña coladas, and just relaxed. It was much needed knowing the long night ahead of us.

That night, we went to this unique event space that was transformed into a dazzling night club. The DJs played a mix of soca, reggae, and hip hop that definitely kept my energy up the entire night.

Day 5: Boat Day

We spent New Year's Day on a boat. While on the boat we were able to take in parts of the island that we might not have been able to from land. The boat ride was just the right amount of time to enjoy it without getting seasick. Those day long trips can be exhausting.

Later that night we headed to dinner at a wonderful Greek restaurant called Akropolis. It was located in Jolly Harbor. It's an interesting area because the community has everything built-in - including it's own grocery store! You essentially never to leave. I don't know why I found that fascinating.

  • Cover up: Amazon | Bikini: Amazon
  • Bodysuit: Necessary Clothing | Pants: Missguided

Day 6: Beach Day

It rained on our last full day for the majority of the morning and into the afternoon. That could have put a major damper on things, but thankfully it didn't. We drove to a different part of the island, Half Moon Bay, and we were able to get a really nice beach day in. While it was partially cloudy there, the weather was a significant improvement to where our hotel was located.

Our last dinner was at a restaurant named Cloggy's. It overlooked all of the boats in English Harbor. The restaurant had a charming nautical vibe and the food was to die for. It was a perfect end to an unforgettable trip.

Bodysuit: Amazon | Shorts: H&M | Shoes: Forever 21


  • I will definitely be back: I feel like even though the Antigua is small, there was so much more to see/do.
  • All-inclusive is overrated: Most of my travel experiences to Caribbean islands have been to all-inclusive resorts. Even in Jamaica, where my mother is from, we spend a chunk of our time in all-inclusives. So, trips tend to meld into one and you forget which country you were even in. I'm not ruling out all-inclusive for the future, but this trip solidified that it's so important to get out and really experience the island.
  • Natural hair 1, Alexa 0: So, this was my first trip with my hair natural and it did not go smoothly. Until I figure out the right product situation, I will be doing protective styles on vacations in places with high humidity. I made it work, but the frizz struggle was REAL.
  • Amazon is the truth: You probably noticed a lot of Amazon in the mix. Full disclosure, I got a gift card around the holidays so I went a little crazy. That being said, Amazon will definitely be a go-to for future vacations for bodysuits, swim, and accessories. The selection was so great and the two day shipping guarantee can't be beat.