Anticipating Mad Men, Season 7

Posted on the 14 April 2014 by Erictheblue

It must not be the story.  I just read the Wikipedia article to make sure that I remembered how things stood at the end of last season, and discovered that I was remembering the end of season 5.  I like a drink in the evening, two on Sunday to fortify me for what's ahead, but  I didn't think it would prevent season 6 from making any impression on my memory..  Poosh.

I think what I like most is what the real critics call "visual style"--that, together with the subject of this style being the way things looked when I was young.  Everyone except the young must feel attracted to anything that puts them in mind of when they were young.  I wonder whether it's possible that in this last season the closing credits to one of the episodes will be accompanied by "Radar Love."

Maybe my favorite moment of the series so far concerns the events of Friday, November 22, 1963.  Duck Williams, one of the show's many alcoholic ad men, is in a Manhattan hotel room waiting for Peggy Olson, his lunch date.  He's in bed.  The TV is on.  Peggy walks in.  He turns off the TV.  This must be an example of what scholars call "the private side of American history."