Anti-Trump Violence: News Editor Incites; San Jose Police Do Nothing

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Here’s another sign that the United States has devolved into a Third World country.

Americans once prided ourselves for being a civilized democracy where the bullet is replaced by the ballot, unlike those primitive “banana republics” of the Third World.

No more.

Vox is a news website run by Vox Media, founded by liberal columnist Ezra Klein in April 2014.

Emmett ResinOn June 2, 2016, in a tweet, Vox’s deputy editor Emmett Rensin, 26, urged people to “start a riot” if Donald Trump comes to their town/city. His tweet received at least 349 ♥ likes.

Emmett Resin tweet1In a follow-up tweet, Resin clarified his call to start a riot, stating that whereas murder is not legit, it is legitimate to destroy property, shout opponents down, and disrupt all events.

Emmett Resin tweet2It turns out Vox has its limits. The next day, on June 3, Vox’s editor-in-chief Ezra Klein announced that Rensin has been suspended. Klein said that although Vox encourages its writers to debate and disagree:

“direct encouragement of riots crosses a line between expressing a contrary opinion and directly encouraging dangerous, illegal activity. We welcome a variety of viewpoints, but we do not condone writing that could put others in danger.

In this case, Emmett’s tweets violated Vox’s standards and Emmett has been suspended as a consequence.”

ZeroHedge observes:

One can only imagine the level of anger, media hype, and blame-throwing that would have been unleashed were this some right-wing social media site. Where are Trump supporters’ “safe spaces”? Don’t they deserve to be protected against micro-aggression (and utterly lawless physical violence)?

The answer, of course, is no.

In Amerika today, neither Donald Trump nor his supporters deserve to be protected against threats of and actual acts of violence, as shown in San Jose, California.

Two hours after Emmett Rensin had sent his “start a riot” tweet, anti-Trump protesters in San Jose, California, started a riot.

On the evening of June 2, 2016, 250 police officers in riot gear did nothing as Trump supporters at a Trump rally in downtown San Jose were attacked by violent protesters throwing punches, water bottles and traffic cones.

San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia‘s lame excuse is that the police is not “an occupying force” and that the police held back to avoid inciting more violence and having the crowd turn on officers. He also said the 250 police assigned to the rally weren’t enough to control the roughly 400 protesters. (Source: San Jose Mercury News)

It turns out that Garcia is far from being an objective enforcer of peace and order, as Gateway Pundit discovered, for police chief Eddie Garcia is affiliated with the Chicano racist group La Raza (which means “the race”). Below is a screen-cap from Garcia’s Twitter account:

The La Raza Roundtable of California had celebrated when Garcia was sworn in as police chief.

See also:

  • Glenn Beck suspended by SiriusXM radio for hinting at Trump assassination
  • Adults teach kids, including a 3-year-old, to ‘kill Trump’
  • Threats to assassinate Donald Trump are multiplying by the day
  • NY Times columnist ‘jokes’ about assassinating Trump
  • GOP consultants call for assassinating Donald Trump
  • Anti-Trump protester assaults children and elderly with pepper spray
  • Black activist threatens riots if Trump wins

H/t Big Lug and FOTM’s Hadenoughalready
