Anti-Semitism As an Essentially Rightwing Ideology

Posted on the 03 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

In this post, I will lay out why anti-Semitism is basically a rightwing philosophy, and while it may have made sense at one point (in fact, 100 years ago, it was important and essential that most Gentile businessmen were anti-Semites), it really doesn’t make sense for progressives or non-rightwingers anymore.

The Jews are much better behaved than they were 100 years ago when they were waging ethnic warfare against all non-Jews and made repeated runs of various industries in the US. At this time, anti-Semitism was essential for any American patriot. Indeed, Gentiles were so anti-Semitic back then that they repeatedly blew the while on Jewish attempts to use ethnic warfare to make runs on entire industries such as finance banking, consumer banking and Wall Street.

Unfortunately, Hollywood and the media succumbed to coordinated Jewish ethnic warfare-driven runs that resulted in the successful Jewish takeover of these industries. If Gentile businessmen had not been anti-Semitic, Jews would have taken over even more industries in the US. I don’t see why any Gentile businessmen should have supported this.

When an ethnic group wages ethnic warfare on your people, the other rational response is racism. Your group needs to fight back against the group attacking you, using the same tactics they use and nothing more. You either go racist or you get taken out. Which will it be. Racism can be a form of essential survival at times.

Anyway, Jewish ethnic warfare has calmed down dramatically though it still exists (see New York City’s housing city owned housing leasing). Jews have assimilated in a major way and hence they act much better. There is little need for defensive anti-Semitism anymore.

Below, I will point out how there is nothing in anti-Semitism for a progressive person. I have noting against racism per se. If Jews deserve to be hated, then they should be hated. Personally, I despise certain ethnic groups. I have a deep and abiding hatred for Gypsies; that is, I am very racist against Gypsies. In my opinion, Gypsies simply deserve to be hated. How else should we react to a criminal race and a nation of thieves.

But it’s quite hard to make a progressive case for anti-Semitism as the major anti-Semitic case against the Jews is a rightwing argument, and anti-Semitism has always tended to be rightwing. Antisemitism has been, in a nutshell, a reaction against modernity. Jews were seen, accurately, as the carriers of modernity as mosquitoes carry viruses. But most progressive people are children of modernity and generally support the modernizing and forward looking view of life as progress.

In short, there is little if anything in anti-Semitism for progressives. The case against the Jews is largely a rightwing case that we do not support. Further, in becoming an antisemite, you associate with some of the most vile philosophies of the modern era: Genocidal antisemitism or Nazism.

Below I will go through the charges against the Jews and show why I do not find most of these arguments persuasive or compatible for progress and the Left.

Hollywood and cultural decline: I could care less that Hollywood and the Entertainment industry is full of Jews supposedly making filth and porn to supposedly corrupt the country. If you got rid of this Jews, a bunch of sleazy Gentiles will take their place.

We are all Jews now.

Promotion of anti-White racism and demonization of Whites: I could care less that Jews are very active in demonizing White people. Granted this is pretty ugly stuff, but the fact of the matter is that for every one anti-White Jew, there are probably 10 White-hating White people. And the anti-White poison has spread very badly to Hispanics, Arabs, and especially Blacks. If you are a non-White, particularly a young one, in the US, chances are very good that you are anti-White.

We are all Jews now.

Jewish role in the 1960’s cultural revolutions: I could care less that the Jews were behind feminism, the 60’s Counterculture, gay liberation, men’s liberation, trans liberation, and Identity Politics in general. I supported most of these movements at the beginning back when they were more or less sane.

All of these movements have gone completely insane now, as is to be expected, as all Identity Politics movements will go crazy and overreach like this because that’s in the DNA of Identity Politics which frankly is reactionary politics and fake nationalism with the given identity movement playing the role of “nation.” Hence most Identity Politics movements are about as crazy and often about as fascistic are your average ultranationalist.

Your ultranationalist Turk categorizes his form of reaction as “I am for the Turkish nation.” The feminist nutcase categorizes her reactionary nonsense as “I am a member of the Womyn Nation!” Honestly there is not a lot of difference between the two.

Just as ultranationalism usually leads to some form of fascism, a close look at most Identity Politics movements will notice a distinct fascistic or at least nationalist type of discourse.

The Right was not wrong when they labeled feminists Feminazis. That’s exactly what some of them are! The Christian Right now refers to Gay Identity Politics as fascism. They are not completely wrong and some of the nuttier Gay Rights types indeed look quite fascistic. Hispanic and Black Identity Politics have long appeared fascistic. See the New Black Panthers, the Brown Berets and the Aztlan nationalist nutcases.

This fascist poison is often disguised as Left politics. For instance, the Hard Left in the US has long been pushing Hispanic (really Mexican) nationalism and Black nationalism in the US to the extent of advocating splitting up the union and giving the West to the Mexican fake state and giving the Southern US to the Black fake state. This is supposedly “progressive.”

Honestly, it’s about as progressive and racist as the White nationalists who want to create their White state. The White, Black and Aztlan nationalists are really all the same. Not one is worse than any others. Anyway, all these trains left the station long ago and they don’t need Jews around to run them anymore. So if the Jews all took off tomorrow, these movements would keep steaming away.

We are all Jews now.

Jewish media control: I don’t particularly care that Jews run our media, and indeed they do. It’s pretty sleazy though. Suppose Swedes or Hungarians ran our media and every time you turned on the TV, there was some Swedish idiot eating meatballs and going on and on about how Swedes are the greatest thing since Kleenex. You could only watch so much of this until you start yelling at the TV, “Guess what? I’m not a Swede!” That’s how I feel about Jews in the media.

The media Jews use the media and entertainment industry to talk about themselves endlessly and solipsistically as Jews are nothing if not unbelievably solipsistic. Jews are an ethnic group and they are somewhat interesting, but they are 2% of the population. It makes me angry that every time I pick of Time Magazine or Jewsweek Magazine or whatever they are called, there’s some Jewish author going on and on about Jewish people. Very annoying.

I want to hear about Jews maybe 2% of the time on the media. I don’t want to have every other story being read by a Jewish newscaster or written by a Jewish writer. I don’t want to have to read about Jews and how cool they are every time I open up a magazine or turn on the TV. As I said, it’s just as annoying as if Swedes ran our media.

Jewish media pushing cultural liberalism: I could care less if media Jews use the media to push cultural liberalism, antiracism or White-hatred. I am a liberal myself, so I don’t mind folks pushing liberalism. Modern antiracism is completely bonkers and looks nothing like the Freedom Fighters. The problem is that the media is all full of Gentiles believe it or not. Many large papers were never owned by Jews and they always sounded just like the Jewish papers. The LA Times was always run by the Gentile white bread Chandler family. It might as well have been the Jew York Times because the two paper were exactly the same.

Which brings me to my point. All of these critiques against the media Jews apply in equal weight to the media Gentiles. The media Gentiles push just as much cultural Left stupidity, modern antiracist poison and White-hating idiocy as the media Gentiles. The problem with the media isn’t the Media Jews. It’s the media people in general! They’re all drinking the same Koolaid.

We are all Jews now.

Further, the media Jews, though they are as disgusting as any rich people, are actually somewhat liberal in a pro-Democratic Party way. Honestly, while rich Jews are rather lousy (look at the media Jews and tell me these people are ok), rich Gentiles are usually much worse. They are out and out reactionary kooks. So if you got rid of all the media Jews, rich Gentiles would take over and the media would be run by media Gentiles. They would be far more reactionary than the media Jews are. The whole media would sound like Fox News and Rupert Murdoch. Sure, the media Jews stink, but the media Gentiles would be far worse.

Jews as sleazy businessmen: I could care less if Jews are sleazy businessmen. Yes, Jews are sleazy businessman and are natural born white collar criminals. This has been known from time immemorial. There was a type during which Gentile businesses, particularly in the Midwest and Rust Belt, practiced a sort of honor code which kept lousy behavior to a minimum. Corruption was low. Businessmen seldom cheated each other. A man’s word and handshake was good. This was done in part by social policing as Gentile businessmen who violated the code were run out of polite society.

The problem is that at this point, the entire business class is “Jewish.” In other words, the Gentile businessmen are about as sleazy and crooked as the Jewish businessmen. “Jewish” business practices of rampant sleaze, cons, scams, ripoffs, and 100,000 different types of white collar crime and now the norm all across the US. The days of the honorable Gentile businessmen who feared the social codes and policing of his people are gone.

We are all Jews now.

Jewish support for Communism and the Left: The Jews have been associated with Communism, socialism, the Left and liberalism for over 100 years. Even the Protocols makes this accusation. Almost all anti-Semites are fanatical anti-Communists. After all, Jews are Commies, right? Communism is Jewish. The Left is Commie. Socialists are Commies. Liberals are Commies. They’re all Jews too apparently.

It is beyond me when anyone on the Left should buy into this particular anti-Semitic meme. I mean, after we like liberalism, the Left, socialism and a lot of us even like Communism. We should be deeply grateful for the role that Jews as agents of modernity played in our movements. There’s noting of us here once again.

Jews are annoying, conceited, narcissistic, solipsistic, belligerent, rude, clannish, xenophobic, on and on. Indeed, this particular unpleasant set of baggage is part of the Jewish soul. Nevertheless, there’s a lot more to Jewish people than that, and these personality attributes don’t seem to be severe enough to hate an entire group of people.