Anthony Weiner To Make A Comeback?

Posted on the 11 April 2013 by Polliticstoday @polliticstoday

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Oh boy, don’t call it a comeback!  Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, last seen resigning in one of the more colorful press conferences in recent political memory, is exploring a run to be Mayor of New York City.

On one side, it should be no shock that Weiner wants the job considering it has been long assumed that the Mayoralty was still his “dream job” even after losing a 2006 primary for the gig.  On the other side, you realize why this is a story and that’s the fact that Weiner was infamously caught up in a Twitter sexting scandal.

Then again if Mark Sanford can do it, why not Weiner?  Weiner was best remembered as  a fiery, no-holds barred progressive who thrived off occasionally rebuking party leadership and getting his face in the limelight.  Since his resignation in 2011, Weiner has been very quiet as he his wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, gave birth to a child.

Also, if Weiner jumps in (and I’m hedging my bets personally) he would be in a crowded field that includes Speaker of the New York City Council Christine Quinn, NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and 2009 nominee Bill Thompson in a crowded Democratic primary.  Weiner would have huge name recognition but with that comes the sext scandal which is still fresh in the minds of many potential voters.

Even though Quinn has received her fair share of backlash, she still appears to be the favorite to win the Mayoralty.  It would take a big risk for Weiner to enter the race and to some, the idea of Weiner leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths.  Sorry for that line.

Still always worth noting.