Anthony Weiner: I Am Running For Mayor, Please Ignore Any Additional Dick Pics That Come Out

Posted on the 23 May 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
It is official, Anthony Weiner announced his New York mayoral candidacy, which back in early April had been reported as likely.
I asked back then, can you imagine the fun and sheer enteratinment factor of those campaign ads, like "New York, I, Anthony Weiner, will work "hard" for you!!"
Needless to say a few conservatives had a little fun via Twitter with that post.
Not only is Weiner officially running, but he says there may be more dick pics out there of him and possibly more sext messages, like the ones read by Bill Maher and Jane Lynch in "The Weinerlogues." (Video of that hysterical skit will be below this post, just for giggles)
Former congressman and newly announced New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner (D) said in an interview Thursday morning with WNYC-FM that there could be women coming forward with more e-mails or photos from the inappropriate digital conversations that led to his resignation in 2011.

“It is what it is,” Weiner said. “People may decide they want to come forward and say, here’s another email that I got or another photo. I’m certainly not going to do that. So people may hear things that are true, they may hear things that are not true, but I’m going to try to keep being focused on issues that are important to New York City.” 

Drudge s having a blast with Weiner' announcement: (H/T Twitchy here and here)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the spoilsport, is trying to ruin all our fun with a Weiner run, by saying "Shame on us" if New Yorkers elect Weiner to City Hall."
Would have been much funnier if they typoed that to read "erect Weiner to City Hall,"  but whatever.
Flashback- Best Weiner Headlines:

The Gallery of 52 Best Weiner headlines can be found over at Political Humor
Bill Maher and Jane Lynch - The Weinerlogues