Anthony Oh Recycles Waste Electronic Parts Into Tiny Robots

Posted on the 17 October 2012 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

These tiny, cute, recycled robots carry designer Antony Oh’s signature. Oh, takeing inspiration from the smallest inner workings of electronics, uses small screws and plastic pieces of old electronics and builds these miniature bots that are no bigger than a finger tip. They may be tiny but yet still have as much personality – having names like Astrono and Mr. RoBot - as their bigger counterparts.

The Singapore and Malaysia-based industrial designer makes a living in product and electronic design and working with electronics day in and day out, he takes inspiration from his day job and transforms it into art.

By dismantling electronics, Oh started seeing the components under a new light and these small gears, wires and plastic pieces gained an anthropomorphic quality.

Check out some of the these cute micro-machines:


Via: Inhabitat