Anthony Brown Weighs In On Gospel Artist Collaborating With Secular Artist

By Firstladyb


Anthony Brown, along with Travis Greene, and Jonathan McReynolds spoke with Essence recently about Millenials and  the church.  During the discussion Brown  addressed the controversy surrounding  gospel artist collaborating with secular artist.

From Essence:

“As Millennials are gaining more intelligence, we have less time for things that are fake. We like direct answers, direct information. That’s where the church loses the Millennials, but I also think that’s why they are drawn to people like Jonathan, Travis and myself. There’s a sense of authenticity,” he said.

Brown grew up in Baltimore and began playing and arranging music at three years old. Despite being the son of a preacher, his parents never discouraged him from experiencing other forms of music and he doesn’t shy away from those influences even now. “There are no accidents in the gifts that God gives. My base is church, but I studied jazz and classical music. I’ve never felt afraid to use other influences,” he said.

As far as the criticism of gospel artists collaborating with secular artists or having untraditional approaches to gospel music, Brown isn’t concerned with the dissent. “I’m most concerned that we’re loving and accepting,” he said. “The most important thing to me is that when people do look at us, we look like Jesus.”

And that, my friends, is the bottom line!