Antelope Valley Poppies

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

Wearing:// Dress: Free People  *First image by Dani Tuchman

     Despite living in Los Angeles, my friends and I often find ourselves locked in the bubble of our campus and constrained by our reliance on Uber. The very thought of driving or having a car at school is enough to get us excited (sad, I know). Last Wednesday, we spontaneously hit the road in our friend's car to see the hyped wildflower super bloom in Antelope Valley. With two photographer fanatics and plenty of Free People, we naturally took heaps of photos. The whole time, I couldn't believe just how beautiful and unreal the whole landscape looked. Sometimes, it's easy to forget that I live in such a beautiful state when I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of campus life. This little road trip was just what I needed to power through finals. 

Speaking of finals, WE ONLY HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT OF CLASSES! To make finals just a little bit harder for myself, I am seeing The Voice live on Tuesday, my 19th birthday is smack dab in the middle of the last week of the semester, I am seeing The Weeknd the following weekend, and I might just fit in a trip to Disneyland. You're supposed to have fun during your free time instead of studying, right? Right. Well, a paper and actual finals studying awaits me. I'm sorry for a totally unintentional month-long hiatus! Somehow, school always gets the best of me. xoxo Isabelle 

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