‘Dieu du ciel’ is no religious acclamation and ‘peche mortel’ has nothing to do with death. The former is the Canadian Brewery from Quebec that makes one of the beers I have been wanting and trying to obtain for almost two years now – Péché Mortel (mortal sin).
During the last 2 – 3 weeks I have been planning my coffee beer tasting and wating for their availability at one of my favourite supermarkets in the city – Whole Foods.
Those who know me as a blogger or personally are aware of my minimal alcohol consumption. I do appreciate this fluids with percentage greatly and at times even love some of them, but the intake occurs only sporadically. Therefore I beg you to be patient with me and not expect a one to one comparison from the project I am finally about to start.
Over the next weeks I shall be tasting several beers. These come from Northamerican Breweries, as well as Japanese and European ones, including Chicca from Italy, Black Xantus from California, Jahva from Southern Tier in New York and Hitachino from Japan, just to name a few.