Answering Hater Lies

Posted on the 08 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

I suppose I ought to answer some of this nonsense that the Bigfooter haters peddle about me. Truth is that just about everything they say about me is a lie.

I am a sexist. No. I am a Leftist, and I support the Equity Feminist movement. In fact, I am on some feminist mailing lists. And everyone accusing me of this is a Republican! There is no sexism on this site. I am a former member of the National Organization of Women. However, as an MRA and a member of the Manosphere and the PUA/Game part of the Net, I would point out that 100% of the guys writing on that part of the Net are constantly accused of sexism, misogyny, etc.

I am a racist. I do not see any racist posts on this site. If you find a racist post, please point it out to me. I try very hard not to write any racist posts on here and I watch my language very carefully. I am a Leftist and I support the Civil Rights movement and voted for Obama twice. I support most of the goals of the Congressional Black Caucus, that is, I support Blacks politically. I very much oppose the overtly racist agenda of the Republican Party.

One of the reasons I vote Democrat is because they are for the Blacks. I am also on the mailing list of some Black and antiracist organizations so I support minority political causes. However, I am a race realist, and all race realists are constantly attacked for being racists. Keep in mind that the idiots calling me racist are all Republicans!

I am a pedophile. This is the weirdest one of the all. I have no more interest in girls 12-under than any other man. They really are nothing to me. I am a teliophile like most men – I am mostly strongly attracted to mature females.  I have no idea where this nonsense started.

I believe that it is normal for a man to want to have sex with girls 12-16. I never said that. However, it is true that I believe it is normal to be sexually attracted to girls of that age. As a therapist, I have people coming to me all the time worried that they are turned on by teenage girls and that this means that they are pedophiles. I tell them, “Congratulations! Teenage girls turn you on. That means you are normal!”

Is it normal to want to have sex with them? I suppose it is…but most normal adults move past that stage and focus on older women. Thoughts are not important. The people making this accusation are puritanical filth. They are reactionary worms. These people would actually like to put you in jail for the stuff you think about. If you believe in freedom of thought, these scum need to be fought to the death with every ounce of your energy.

I live with my mother! This is the craziest one of them all. I never never lived with my mother in my entire life. However, some folks my age are moving back in with elderly parents to take care of them. I have thought of that, but the stigma of living with my mother really keeps me away from doing that. My mother lives 33 miles from me. I do eat dinner with her once a week or so. Often other relatives are there too. On rare occasions, I spend 1-3 nights over there for a visit, but that is quite rare actually. I have lived with my mother and father before (lived with my parents). But that was a very long time ago. I have been living on my own forever now.

My mother makes my dinner. Well, I suppose once a week she does? Is that ok with everyone?

My mother pays my bills. My mother certainly does not pay my bills. I pay my own bills every month.

I don’t have a car. True, right now, I do not have a car. However, I have owned a vehicle since I was 16 years old. This is the first time in 40 years I will be without a vehicle. But I should have a vehicle in a few weeks or so.

I panhandle for donations. People deserve for be enumerated or paid for the work that they do. I do a lot of work on this website, and I feel that I deserve to be paid for that work. It is not panhandling to ask to be paid a fair wage for hard work. And I do receive  some income from that – around $500/month so far.

I am unemployed. Not true. I do not have to work as I have a trust fund, but I also work at all sorts of jobs and a variety of sources of income.

I do not have a regular job. True, but I have a hard time understanding why this is so terrible?

I am a shut-in. It’s not true. In fact, I travel to stay with friends and I have friends come here to stay with me on a regular basis. I have lunch and dinner with friends and dates regularly. I also travel with and take vacations with friends and lovers.

I say the only way you can get HIV is from anal sex. I never said that. Many cases are transmitted via vaginal sex male to female.

I can’t get laid. Truly hilarious. Ask anyone who knows me.

This website “spews hate.” That is news to me. Can someone point out to me how this site “spews hate?”

I am a bigot. I doubt it. Most Leftists are not like that. We are not supposed to be that way, so we try hard not to be that way. And everyone calling me bigot is a Republican!

Believe I am a genius because I say so. A genius IQ is 140+. My IQ is 147. It was measured in high school. The counselor’s name was Mr. Sanders. He showed me the score. I retook the test at age 29 and got a score of 140+ (he did not break it down further). If you have a genius IQ, you’re a genius. Not that it’s anything to brag about. Trust me.

Believe my sources cannot be lying to me. As a general rule, most of them have not deliberately lied to me. The only ones that lied to me were sent by the haters themselves!

Claims to be an academic. I never said that. I am an independent scholar. One of my articles just made it through peer review at a peer reviewed academic journal. Just wondering if any of you scums can claim to have done anything that important?

Claims to be a journalist. I am a journalist. I have a BA in Journalism from California State University Long Beach. Do any of you scums possess such a degree?

Claims to be a journalist, but is not working in the field. Right. Many of us are not presently employed in the field. If you have a degree in Journalism, you get to call yourself journalist for the rest of your life. Anyway, my blogging is journalism, and at the moment, I am actually making money as a journalist!

Claims to have worked as an editor of a magazine, but is lying. I did indeed work as an editor of a magazine. It was a well known and widely read computer magazine that was out in the 1980′s (similar to Byte).

Uses computers at my Mom’s house. Well, when I visit over there, I do use the computer at times as I do not have a laptop. I fail to see why this is a crime.

Eats food at my mother’s house. Indeed, when I visit once in a while, I definitely eat food there! Can someone tell me why it is a crime to visit your Mom and eat food at her place? I am having a hard time understanding these garbage people.

Thinks teenage girls still want him. At my age, most teenage girls are not interested in me anymore. They were after me for most of my life, but that really started to peter off around age 47. At the moment, definitely 99% of teenage girls do not seem to be interested in me. However, there is the rare one now and then.

My glasses are grannies glasses from the 1980′s. Fail to see why this is important, but I have a new pair now anyway.

I creep out women. Not really, but at my age, you “creep out” most young women if you so much as try to talk to them, so it’s not much of a charge. I do great with women and have for most of my life.

Talks about how women give him “that look:” Women have been giving me come-on looks most of my life. Granted, it doesn’t happen so much anymore, but it still happens sometimes. This has been happening less and less as I have gotten older.

I am a Commie. Sort of.

I am a socialist. Damn right.

Can’t afford to buy another car. Pretty much. Is this a crime or something?

Can’t afford $2,500 to fix his car. True, but why is this a crime. I hardly know anyone who has $2,500 lying around. Anyway, the car is going to be fixed.