Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine
* Mystery: Mass die-off of fish at Lake Cajititlan in western Mexico
* Response to deadly outbreak ‘disastrously inadequate
* Nato Weighs Rapid Response Force For Eastern Europe
* Russia, China Begin Construction Of World's Largest Gas Pipeline
* Banning Russian-made AK-47s sets off a U.S. buying frenzy
* Indiana Churches Vandalized With Quran Verses
* 'US manufacturing has been lost. Now it's happening to TV'
* Ukraine Says: "Worst Conflict Since WWII"
* Ted Cruz Calls Obama A 'Kitty Cat' Next To The Russian Bear
* Ebola's Back Door to America
* Obama’s “Catastrophic Defeat” in Ukraine
* WHO: Senegal Ebola case 'a top priority emergency
* Putin talks about ‘statehood’ for eastern Ukraine
* Putin's Trump Card In Ukraine: Winter Is Coming
* Iceland Volcano Blasts Back to Life
* Celebrities Exposed In Massive Nude Photo Leak