ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

Posted on the 23 September 2015 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine 

Growing Number Believe CA's Drought A Gov Conspiracy
Mystery DC Metro Power Outage Creates Traffic Mess

Israel PM Visits Russia Amid Concerns Over Syria
The Regulatory Crisis in Washington 
The Poisonous Obama Years

Obama Declares Major Disaster In Deadly CA Wildfire

German Intel: Islamists Recruiting Refugees

Angry Muslims Taunt NJ School Officials

Obama's ISIS War Czar Stepping Down

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Reelected

Marines Test Google's Latest Military Robot

USDA Issues Plan For Likely Fall Return Of Avian Flu

US Sees ‘Surprising’ Spike In Border Crossings

Russia, Iran Seen Coordinating on Defense of Assad
Immigration Population Reaches Record 42.4 Million

ISIS Intel - The US Military Dumbed Down
Facebook Spies On Us Just Like The NSA

The Established Order Will Be Challenged

Women Pushed Into Abortions To Sell Baby Parts

Thoughts on a Dumb Conversation

Scott Walker Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Smugglers Use FACEBOOK To Sell Fake Passports

Government Shutdown Odds Spike To 75%

'Lethal Drones' Creating Industry Headache

Another Quake shakes Chile capital Santiago
States Move To Ban Profit from Fetal Tissue Sales
NASA Working On 'Space Shotgun' To Blast Asteroids

1/3 Of Britons Born In 2015 Will Develop Dementia
Joe Biden Has Wife's Support for WH Bid

Oklahoma: From 2 Quakes A Year To 585

FLASHBACK: Obama 'My Muslim Faith'

Carson: A Muslim Should Not Be President