Another Professor Blames Christians for Orlando Shooting

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I’d like to know how Ms. McNamara can explain all the shootings in Chiraq, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. I won’t hold my breath for an answer any time soon.

The nutty professor…

From Campus Reform: In the wake of the Orlando tragedy, many pundits and professors have taken the opportunity to scorn Christians who want to uphold a traditional definition of marriage, arguing that there is really no distinction between fundamentalist Christianity and radical Islam.

In just the latest instance, University of Maryland instructor Leslie McNamara claims that ISIS’ “distorted interpretation” of Islam is in fact “not different” whatsoever from the views many Christians espouse.

Yet there will be those who will attempt to connect Mateen’s homophobia to Islam. In support of their argument, they will point to Muslim-majority countries, such as Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, where homosexuality is a capital crime. However, there are countries where the majority of the population is Christian, such as Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda, where it is illegal to be gay,” she continues.

Though homosexual activity is illegal in Antigua and Barbuda, the State Department said in its Antigua and Barbuda 2014 Human Rights Report that the law against it “was not strictly enforced,” and that “[t]here were no reports of violence committed against LGBT persons during the year.”

Notably, the ten countries where being thrown from a rooftop is an acceptable punishment for homosexual acts are not just “Muslim-majority” but are governed by Sharia law—the uniquely Islamic body of law. Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda, on the other hand, have strong Christian correlations but are not governed by any explicit Christian set of laws.

Furthermore, the two island countries have a combined estimated population of 383,040 whereas the estimated population of the ten countries where homosexuality is punishable by death is 408,718,813, according to the CIA’s World Factbook.

McNamara blasts conservative lawmakers and the NRA for preventing stricter gun control laws, saying the Orlando tragedy could have been prevented with a few more “background checks.”

The reality of the Orlando incident is that all of this could have been prevented if the United States had stricter gun regulations including background checks. It is unfathomable that Mateen, who had been twice investigated by the FBI, was still able to buy the assault rifle and handgun he used to commit the horrendous act,” she writes, blaming gun control retailers for the Orlando massacre rather than a negligent FBI.

“Another problem is the simplistic narrative of gun control, as voiced by the NRA, in which it is continually alleged that gun control reform is a violation of the Second Amendment,” she adds.

McNamara then concludes by calling on her fellow gun control advocates to defeat the “inaccurate narrative” presented by the NRA.

“The NRA has been widely successful at delivering this message, while gun control advocates have failed to defeat this inaccurate narrative,” she writes, adding that “with this Congress, stricter gun regulation is doubtful.”

Indeed, the Senate rejected two proposals Monday evening for more expansive background checks as well as two measures that would have prevented suspected terrorists from buying guns.