If you want to see the posts with previous years’ newsletters click here and here.
My newsletters from the school year 2014-2015 are below. Each one is listed by month and topic. Click on each link to see them:
September, 2014 – Back-to-school transition tips for parents
October, 2014 – Various ways to start the “how was your day at school?” conversation with children (encouraging communication within the family)
November, 2014 – Stress and anxiety relief in children
December, 2014 – (No newsletter. Sorry!)
January, 2015 – Information and tips about getting your child to school ON TIME (this was an issue for some, so I saw an opportunity to educate many)
February, 2015 – Building grit in your child (and avoiding being the “rescuer”)
March, 2015 – A goodbye newsletter to my families with tips for closure (probably one of the hardest newsletters I’ve ever written) :(
After March, I joined a new school and did not publish newsletters during my time there. It is my hope that I will get back to doing newsletters next school year! I still believe them to be a great communication and advocacy tool!
Information about my newsletters: I use Microsoft Word to make each newsletter. Using a lot of text boxes, I can manipulate the spacing and sizing of what I want to include. When I’m satisfied, I save it as a PDF document to share.
Hope this has been helpful! :)