Alexandria Fisher reports for NBC5 Chicago that on Saturday night, May 18, 2013, Chicago once again was subjected to an unruly “flash mob”.
A group of 40 to 60 teens was seen disrupting and running through traffic along North Michigan Avenue in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood. Police arrested 12 people, including 11 juveniles, for obstructing traffic and being reckless.
The disturbance came on the same day that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law new legislation that would implement harsher penalties for violent flash mobs who organize via social media.
Recent attacks along Chicago’s “Magnificent Mile” prompted concerns from many area residents. Last month, more than two dozen teens were arrested after groups began randomly attacking each other and pedestrians. “We see it virtually every year when the weather gets warm,” Supt. Garry McCarthy said after last month’s attacks.
The “flash mob” on April 1, 2013, involved as many as 300 to 400 swarming teens.
Reporters refuse to say it, but hundreds of “teens” swarming on city streets, “attaching each other and pedestrians” is a form of TERRORISM.
Reporters today simply refuse to actually report the facts. Facts like who these flash mobs are, and who are the “unruly teens” whom police arrested.
So let’s play a “Guess Who” game!
Here are some pictures from last Saturday night’s mob scene in Chicago’s “Magnificent Mile”:
Below are 4 screenshots I took from NBC5 Chicago’s news video (which you can watch for yourself by going here):
So,how did you do in our “Guess Who” game?
On May 19, 2013, a day after the “flash mob” of “unruly teens” ran amuck in Chicago’s “Magnificent Mile,” President Lucifer the POS played the race card when he gave the Commencement address at the black college Morehouse College.
The man who became President of the United States despite being a B-average student, actually said: “As an African American you have to work twice as hard as anyone else if you want to get by.”
Hey, you POS in the White House. By “working twice as hard as anyone else,” are you referring to those “African American” teens in those “flash mobs” in your home Chi-town?