Another Mish Mash

By Daisyjd

Somehow it is already Thursday this week, a surprise to me since I could have sworn it was Tuesday, but here we are. Almost Friday! The weekend! Last weekend was nice but quiet- I realized Gracie hadn’t gotten to stay home and just play with her toys in a long time, so after I came home from early morning spinning (at Flywheel, through Classpass) and B headed out to the Bears-Packers game (cheering for both teams to lose) we had a girls day at home. We read a lot of books, put together a lot of puzzles and picnics and put Piggie to sleep over and over again. See also: we need a new term for this game of laying Piggie down, covering with a blanket and saying “shh” while rubbing his back, because it sounds like we are running an animal death farm around our parts. Also, I think we need a back up Piggie.

Anyway. That was Sunday. The week has gone by in a blur- hot yoga Monday night, gymnastics on Wednesday. Gracie’s fourth and final canine is coming in – truth be told we thought it was in, her others came in so long ago, but nope, unobservant parent x2- and she has been sleeping terribly as a result. We also had yet another trip to the pediatrican where were told “yup, no idea what that is/nothing we can do” for a continually swelling eye that has her looking like a prize fighter. There was some concern she migth have been bitten by a bug or had an infected stye, but neither seems to be the case, which is good.

In other news: my boots arrived, I love them so. I ordered Kiwi Boot Spray for them after receiving very little feedback on shoe sprays- something no one is passionate about, eh- after reading about 3 Amazon reviews and figuring that it can’t hurt. I’m going to have B try it out on his new anniversary shoes that are coming, and at a fortuitous time as he basically destroyed all of his dress shoes this week and will make the cobbler very happy in the near future. So much so that I have spilled the beans on his anniversary gift and will give them to him a week early so he can wear tham rather than go court with shoes that don’t match his suit, THE HORROR.

As I mentioned before, I’m trying out some new workout gear (my paltry collection was starting to become an issue with my newfound hobby of attending fitness classes) so I ordered these Beyond Yoga leggings with fancy mesh inlay, I expect them to up my cool factor significantly while quaking through a barre class. Side note: do we think that trend will go the way of the corner cupcake shops? Because right now there is some sort of expensive workout studio with a ballet barre and toned ladies on every corner of Chicago. Anyway, back to the gear. If I like the ones I ordered, I have my eye on a “quilted” pair (fancy speak for pattern) and the gathered bottom style, which I believe will allow me to pull it over my heel while in class which is definitely what all the cool girls are doing. Cool = college age, so maybe acutally I should skip that.

Speaking of things I ordered from Amazon, I also ordered Gracie another container of probiotics. We started these in February, prior to daycare and since I can’t knock on wood every time someone reads this just know that if your kid is in school or daycare and you worry about illness and you wish you could *do* something, I would recommend these. For about $17 for a 2 month jar you can at least feel proactive, and our pediatrician has told us that at a minimum they help recover from norovirus and rotavirus more quickly, which, SOLD. It doesn’t dissolve quite as well as I would like, but she doesn’t seem to notice it in her milk. You can even add it to your Amazon Subscribe & Save!

Speaking of that I got an email from Amazon that beginning in November the discount for bundling 5 or more items is only 15% instead of 20%, and wipes will no longer be part of the standard “diapers and wipes automatic 20% off discount” which displeases me greatly as Subscribe & Save bundling is how we were able to afford premium diapers and organic formula for the cost of regular old grocery store shopping….but Amazon seems to think that a $30 credit will make me happier.  I’m sure for now it won’t be a big deal (our monthly delivery is pretty much just diapers and dog stuff now) but if I’m ever buying infant formula again, I’m sure I’ll gripe.

On the horizon: dinner with some of my best law school girls tonight, another bar class tomorrow, swimming with Gracie on Saturday, friends over for brunch on Sunday (serving this, please make post-haste) and hopefully another early Sunday morning spin class so I can once again awkwardly shuffle through the office Monday morning.

Amazon links are affiliate, ClassPass is not.