Another False Flag? Atlanta Craigslist Solicits Crisis Actors for Mock Disaster

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


We know there are professional crisis actors. (See “Professional crisis actors simulate mass casualty events”)


We know there are professional amputee crisis actors. (See “Did you know there are AMPUTEE crisis actors?“)


We have good reasons to suspect that crisis actors were deployed at Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing. (See “Remarkable resemblance of Sandy Hook victims and professional crisis actors,” “Hollywood producer Nathan Folks says Boston Bombing’s a false flag,” and “The woman in red: Proof of Boston Bombing crisis actors“.)


Days before the April 2, 2014 mass shooting at Ford Hood by Ivan Lopez, who killed 3, wounded 16, then committed suicide, there was a Craigslist ad soliciting “role players” for a “military mock simulated disaster” at Fort Hood on March 17-19, 2014. (Click image below to enlarge)


Now an ad has appeared in Atlanta Craigslist, soliciting “role players” for a “mass casualty exercise” on June 27-29, which will involve faked injuries. (Calling amputee crisis actors!)

Here’s a screenshot I took of the ad. You can also see the ad for yourself by going here (

So if any mass trauma event happens in the days after June 29, we will know it’s another false flag — “a contrived event” of “hyper-reality film-making.”

H/t Jim Fetzer, John Molloy, and FOTM’s Gingercake
