Another Example of the Violent Right

Posted on the 23 February 2013 by Doggone
These are the same people who are anti-government, "gun huggers", and who ascribe to an ideology that believes they are entitled and justified in shooting their fellow Americans over differences in ideology and opinion. These are the same group of people who promote factually inaccurate information, and who blatantly - and wrongly - fear monger to keep people ready to act violently.
One more old, white, crabby and flabby man bent on shooting up people, calling himself a patriot as he commits insurrection and treason. These people are domestic terrorists, they are not patriots; these people are not just wrong, they are violently wrong. There is NOTHING in the concepts and ideology of the Founding Fathers or the U.S. Constitution that approves, condones, or legalizes this thinking. The GOP and the Tea Party have run candidates who think like this.  They are not just wrong, they are dangerously wrong.
The local media covers this:
Detectives say the man’s threats are in line with the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which the FBI has labeled a domestic terror group. Police are looking into whether Mulqueen has any affiliation with this group.
They say they found two rifles, bayonets, ammunition and body armor at his suburban home.
Police were called Wednesday afternoon to Mulqueen's Freedman Avenue apartment after his landlord said he was harassing her. They say she tipped them to Mulqueen's alleged threats made on a Facebook page under a pseudonym.
Cops say Mulqueen wrote about how he thought the government was trying to take away his Second Amendment right to own firearms. According to investigators, he also called for the deaths of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Sen. Charles Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rep. Nita Lowey, among others.
If anyone wonders why we need to reign in the gun huggers, this is one of the best arguments that they are not trustworthy or safe to individuals and to our nation.  They are just plain garden variety nuts, and we have seen their views in the testimony in our own state legislature recently.
These are not the lawful hunters and sportsmen or those who have a reasonable and normal interest in self-defense of their homes; these are political extremists and tin-foil-hat-wearing wackos.