For those of you who haven't heard about NAMBLA, it's full name is the North American Man-Boy Love Association -- and it is an organization that supports the "rights" of pedophiles (portraying pedophilia as a natural love between adults and children, including those who have been convicted of this sick crime).
A few days ago (April 25), pedophiles celebrated their own "pride" day -- called Alice Day. Here's some of what Anonymous wrote about the day:
On numerous unnameable forums, where adult men chat publicly about their love and affection for young girls and boys, users post about how they plan to celebrate Alice Day—often by wearing pink and spending time in parks to "LG (little girl) watch." Some might hand out pamphlets about CL, or "childlove," in an attempt to decrease stigma against and raise awareness of what to them is a significant social movement: pedophile pride. These men claim they would never physically abuse or rape a child; it would be anathema to the childlove philosophy. They want to cuddle, kiss, hold, and otherwise express their affection for children—and if they can't in person, they'll do it from a distance, emboldened by Alice Day.
Like Anonymous, I don't for a minute believe that many of these sick bastards confine themselves to "cuddling" children. They believe there is nothing wrong with having sex with children, and sites like NAMBLA promote this kind of perversion.
So Anonymous chose April 25th to cause these perverts a few problems. They attacked the NAMBLA site and several other pedophilia internet sites -- shutting them down for the day, defacing their web pages, and exposing the personal information of suspects. And from what I hear, they were pretty successful (as they normally are).
I don't know about you, but I support Anonymous in this action. I just wish they could shut down all the pedophilia websites for good. Thank you Anonymous!