
By Rodjonesartist


Size (h w d): 36 x 36 x 1.5 in

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Description: Am I truly deviating from what is usual or normal in my paintings? Or is it just my prodigiously and sometimes eccentric approach to crafting my work. At no time, or at least very rarely, do I engage a canvas with a preconceived notion of what the final outcome will be. I named this painting Anomalous because this painting to some degree is a coalescence of numerous predecessors. The eclectic-ness of all of my work often creates discomfort for the viewer. Simply put, there’s just a heck of a lot going on and the mind of any viewer cannot process. It’s almost like looking inside a computer and wondering how all that “stuff” can create images on a screen. I cannot say that I am calculating the outcome of any of my works of art. As I’ve shared many times, I will go back and look at a painting I have completed days, weeks, months or even years ago, and I for the life of me cannot figure out what I was thinking, how it came to be, and in some cases who would even think to paint this. It’s a shadowy experience for me as a receptive artist. I look forward to each new painting without getting mired in the past. But on occasion I am spellbound by the prolific nature of the authenticity of my previous attempts at originality. At this point in my artist career I do not expect collectors to find spiritual solacement, but I do fervently believe in the sophistication that one may embrace. Only time will tell and perhaps reveal something not typically expected in a piece of art.